--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> All Swans Start As Ugly Ducklings:  Healthcare Reform In Perspectiveby
> Norbrook <http://norbrook.dailykos.com/>  - Dec 26, 2009
> 54 years ago, a weak, flawed piece of legislation was passed.
> It didn't do anything to control air pollution.  It didn't
> set any standards.  It didn't have enforcement built into it.
> It didn't even have a lot of funding.  8 years later, another
> piece of legislation was passed.  It wasn't much better.  But
> they were the beginning.  As weak and toothless as these laws
> were, they set into law the principles that enabled the
> 1970 law.

So we should expect to wait another 15 years before we
get a decent health reform bill?

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