BillyG, I gave up reseaching Maharishi a long, long time ago. But this quote I 
remembered, having included it in my biography of him. I wasn't actually 
disputing your comments, and am not now.

--- In, "BillyG" <wg...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Premanand" <premanandpaul@> wrote:
> >
> > MMY: I preach a simple system of transcendental meditation which gives the 
> > people the insight into life and they begin to enjoy all peace and 
> > happiness, and because this has been the message of all the saints in the 
> > past, they call me saint.
> > - transcript of recording of Maharishi Aug/Sept 1967
> > 
> > On the issue of begging, Guru Dev's mother told him not to become a 
> > "bhikhamangaa sadhu" - 'a sadhu begging for alms'. It became a big issue 
> > for him, in fact he later quoted the old (Persian?) proverb that '"Khudaa" 
> > (God) is frightened of the "mangana" ('beggar') too'
> > 
> > But yes, Guru Dev was the 'powerhouse' behind MMY. But, as Guru Dev 
> > revealed the real power is with Paramatma, accessible within us all, 
> > always. Just need to access it, however you do that. The argument is not 
> > about TM or faith or Pajanjali or keeping the teaching pure, it is about 
> > letting go of individual mind and experiencing Paramatma, SatChitAnand.
> I appreciate that, but is that all you can find after, what, 50 years?, that 
> ONE ambiguous quote?, I think my point stands....FWIW.

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