I don't know if I should be happy or sorry that I do not understand 
all the  points written in FFL. I read the article, and I did not 
find anything insulting in it. Sometimes I am jumping in my chair 
when I read what some of you people writes. But the article did not 
make me jump at all. We have free press in a free democracy - so 
Rick, I stand by your side.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > wrote:
> > > That's all Rick said about Maharishi in the article. All. 
> > 
> > No , the article, which was based on his kind of thinking and I 
> > believe possible even instigated by him , or the reporter knew 
> > and thought it was time for a story like that. Which is fine by 
> > I was talking about his friend whom the article insulted because 
> > far as I remember the article went on to say that Amma is a 
> > philanthropist and Maharishi is a money grabber. Where did the 
> > reporter get this thining? 
> Well, duh...could it possibly be that the reporter
> was a normal, thinking person?  Given the two modus
> operandi of the two teachers, and no emotional 
> attachment to either, who could NOT get that idea?
> > This is an insult based on small 
> > thinking, poor logic, and unsubstantiated rumor.
> I disagree.  I think that this is a conclusion that
> *any* thinking person would come to, given nothing
> more than the way the two teachers "do business" 
> and what they charge for their services.  
> I have no idea what you are referring to as "unsub-
> stantiated rumor."  NO rumor, substantiated or not, 
> would be necessary for your normal man-off-the-street 
> to susect that Maharishi was a bit of a money-grubber.  
> You could learn that much just from the articles that
> make it into the mainstream press.
> > As I pointed out in previous post Maharishi has spent 40 years in 
> > the endeavor of education millions of people. Thousands, possibly 
> > tens of thousands (at least that is Maharishi's goal) will attend 
> > schools and universities created by Maharishi. (they are also fed 
> > there). Education is the only way to help people...not handouts 
> > hugs.
> If it really happens, I shall be the first to applaud
> it.  So far, I haven't seen any convincing evidence
> that it has happened on a large scale so far, or that
> it is likely to happen on a large scale in the future.
> It hasn't happened on a large scale while he was alive,
> and I don't necessarily believe that the people who
> are in charge of his money (the nephews, not the TMO)
> are going to make it happen once he's gone.  I would
> LOVE to be proved wrong about this.  I would LOVE to
> see every penny spent on education and teaching people
> to meditate.  I would LOVE to see pigs fly.
> > So the article of which Rick is probably the partial inspirer of, 
> > even if he may not know it (the reporter has probbaly been a 
> > of FFL for a long time, and no doubt Rick has been in 
> > correspondence with him/her or an associate of hers).
> What was that you were saying earlier about unsub-
> stantiated rumor?  :-)
> > If someone creates a free education for people, (like in India 
> > other places), or even somewhat free, then when someone calls 
> > a money grabber, it is kind of absurd. And it is based on 
> > irrationality and prejudice.
> No, it is based on numbers.  How MANY kids were educated
> by the TMO millions, possibly billions?  How MANY schools
> have actually been built?  How MANY times has Maharishi
> been to any of these schools to see how well his great
> work is going?  THESE are the kinds of questions reporters
> ask.  And they should.
> I don't really know the numbers.  The only contact I have
> with the TMO these days is this forum and a.m.t., neither
> of which I trust as authoritative.  There might be thousands
> of such schools right now in India.  But I've really only
> heard about one or two.  Those one or two could have been
> paid for by the interest on the interest of the TMO millions.
> Where did the rest go?
> > If this is entirely the reporters own inspiration fair 
> > enough....sorry Rick...but my only point Turquoise was that his 
> > friend might be insulted if he calls his wife (someone beloved) a 
> > money grabbing control freak, and his friend is obviously fond of 
> > Maharishi as a guru beloved by him/her
> Well, I would call someone who reacts to their wife being
> called a whore by losing control and becoming angry some-
> one who's pretty attached and ungrounded, but that's just
> me.  NONE of the language you use above was in the article.
> NONE of it.  You PROJECTED it there, or the friend whose
> POV you're channeling projected it there.  The actual 
> article was as balanced a piece as I have EVER seen about 
> a non-mainstream spiritual organization.
> > > The only other times he's quoted he's talking about Amma.  
> > > What he said of a factual nature was the truth, and what 
> > > he said in the last section quoted above was opinion, 
> > > and was clearly labeled as such.  By comparison, the two 
> > > TMO representatives quoted were compelled to lie.
> > > 
> > > Could you please point out to me in the above quotes
> > > exactly where Rick spoke ill of Maharishi?  Can you steer 
> > > me to the section where he suggested anything remotely 
> > > like "your wife is a slut and a whore?"
> > > 
> > > You're running Cultthink, release 1.0, dude.  It's old
> > > software, hideously outdated, and the software didn't 
> > > work for shit when it was new.  You're seeing things 
> > > that aren't there.  >>
> > 
> > No, you are unable to see the mechanisms that go towards this 
> > article. 
> The ones in your head?
> That's the only place I've seen evidence of them.
> Please explain.
> > It is your inability.
> > I am only talking about how his friend might feel. I don't tell 
> > friend who loves Jesus that Jesus was fraud and a fake, because 
> > probably won't help them.
> I agree that it probably won't help them.  But it also
> won't have any affect on them at all unless they're
> ungrounded and attached enough to allow it to do so.
> Remember drawing a line on water?
> If they read this article and react the way Rick's 
> "friend" did, I'm sorry, but that's drawing a line
> on stone.  That person is rigid.
> > > As I said earlier about Rick's friend, I think that 
> > > if you examine the article, and what was actually said,
> > > what you are pissed off about is that Rick committed
> > > the horrible sin of telling the truth, and in public.
> > 
> > I am not pissed off. You lack depth of discernment, and assume I 
> > am pissed off. Your prejudice shows by this, because I was only 
> > talking about how I understand how his friend might feel. 
> I understand how he might feel, too.  Been there, 
> thought like that.  But I don't condone or support 
> it any more.  It seemed to me that you were, given
> the complete off-the-targetness of your analogies.
> I reacted -- probably overreacted -- to that.  If
> what you were doing was "channeling" the POV of 
> Rick's friend for instructive purposes and I mis-
> understood, you have my apologies.
> > I don't give 
> > flying @%#$ if Rick published a paper on how Maharishi has 
> > 100 Rolls Royces and 1000 dancing girls. 
> I would.  That wouldn't be true.  What Rick said 
> in this article was either all true, or was clearly
> labeled as his opinion.  I don't see how anyone
> could have done better, and with more grace.
> > I really don't care. I was talking about 
> > his friend's reaction, and how he might feel that way. Not the 
> > way I feel, but your prejudice shows, by the fact you thought I 
> > the one pissed off about the article. I don't care about. It is 
> > just an article.
> My apologies if what you were doing was putting
> yourself in the point of view of Rick's friend,
> and I didn't get that.  I didn't get that feeling,
> but as many have pointed out, I am new here, and
> haven't developed a real sense of people's styles
> yet.  I'm sorry if I reacted to what was said as
> if you really meant it and you didn't.
> Unc

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