--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> Most TM people are not even aware, that as early as the
> 1980's, major reviews by neuroscientists debunked most
> of the TM Org's research. Remember the old graph that
> showed how TM caused a drop in metabolic rate that was
> greater than sleep? In the 80's they found out how
> Wallace had fudged those findings. It turns out TM is
> basically a controlled form of napping in terms of rest.
> There is no "deep rest" or "deep meditation" about it.

It's really too bad Lawson isn't still around to cite
chapter and verse and nip this kind of crap in the bud.
When he was here, Vaj couldn't get away with making
such bogus claims without challenge.

Wallace didn't "fudge" anything. He did get some
things wrong in this early research, which he
subsequently corrected. You'll notice that when Vaj
wants to badmouth TM research, he'll frequently pick
on the early studies when they were still trying to
figure out how to test this stuff, as if the TM 
researchers hadn't gone to great lengths in later years
to refine their methods.

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