--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> Yeah Joe don't you get it?  If I don't understand what
> she has written it is my inability to understand her
> perfect writing.

Well, let's correct the record here. I never suggested
my writing was "perfect," as Curtis knows. In fact, his
misunderstanding was quite reasonable given that he was
looking for something from me to be offended about.
What I had written wasn't explicit enough to keep him
from taking it the wrong way, and I never said or
implied that it was.

I *did* point out, however, that my response to his
initial sally, in which I acknowledged that many non-
TMers had surely donated on their own hook rather than
to the FFL fund, should have cleared up for him that I
hadn't been trying to suggest that non-TMers were
heartless tightwads, as he had at first thought and
wanted to rebut (understandably).

It isn't a matter of "perfect writing." It's simply a
matter of paying attention and being willing to let go
of a mistaken idea when it becomes obvious that it's
wrong. Once it was clear what his misunderstanding had
been, I stopped accusing him of trying to suggest that
TMers had contributed to the fund for purposes of one-
upsmanship. Eventually he reciprocated.

But it *was* ironic that he declared himself to be the
only one who was misunderstood, when it was his
misunderstanding that started the whole brouhaha.

> If she doesn't understand me it is because I am a bad 
> writer.

Actually, Curtis is usually a pretty good writer. It's
when he gets upset that his writing becomes unclear.

> It is the Las Vegas of shame,heads she wins tails I lose!

Or so Curtis enjoys telling himself. "The game is rigged!
That's why I made such a mess of it!"

And BTW, in general, it isn't a matter of "winning," just
a matter of *losing*. One person being a loser does not
make the other person a winner.

> She did declare you "not stupid." But before you break
> out the champagne I gotta warn you, that means that now
> if you disagree you are lying.

Only if he asserts factual falsehoods that there's reason
to believe he knows are false. I've never seen him do that
here; that doesn't seem to be how he rolls. As I said, his
problem is his tendency to make snap judgments and stick
with them without ever examining the actual evidence.

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