This is my first serious post after a long time - sorry couldn't resist
showing off my (Beethovenesque??) astrology skills.

So here follows a brief analysis.

*I haven't seen anyone use badhakas (obstructions) to explain
murder(deranged mind) and imprisonment(12th, bandhana yogas).* Bandhana
Yogas (imprisonment yogas) should be studied for long imprisonment.

Is he capable of bad acts?

1st, 5th and 9th shows the dharma of a person (dharma trikona or trine) and
this chart shows an adharmi with dark repressed emotions affecting the love

1st house has unobstructed Rahu in Pisces afflicting the 5th and 9th as
well. Rahu in the 1st shows a self-obsessed person with dark negative
thoughts. Rahu and Ketu combination shows anxieties dealing the mundane
aspects of relationships. The trine falls in the watery, creative,
emotional, sensitive watery signs indicating the dark repressed thoughts
dominating his personality.

5th house (Cancer) of love, romance has a major focus with
Sun/Mars/Venus/Mercury in it with the debilitated Mars being the strongest
showing his inability to control these thoughts, Mars is also significator
for the Ascendant lord Jupiter in the 2nd house showing a lazy person
indulgent in material pleasures at the expense of higher intelligence. Mars
is also the 9th lord of values and the most important planet in the chart,
Mars is also the atma karaka. Mars & Venus also shows his strong sexual
urges and his urge to control women for his repressed desires(Cancer, Mars)
and women being attracted to him (Mars, Venus conjunction), Mercury points
to abnormal sexual acts. The 5th lord in well placed in the 10th house
showing his powerful family bailing him out and 5th house shows off his
conniving followers. Sun and Mars - the natural and temporary significators
of soul (Atma karakas) show the punishment doled in this area - betrayal by

Saturn retrograde, weak in the 9th house of strong enemy Mars shows his
abject disrespect of authority carrying past latent karmas as well.

Saturn is transiting 10th from Moon (Kantanka Sani) showing bad karma and
Jupiter transits natal Rahu in Pisces forming Guru Chandala Yoga.

However the lack of any bandhana yogas is disturbing, there is a bandhana
yoga from Moon (mind) - Rahu/Ketu in 4th/10th from Moon but these reconfirm
his trapped dark emotional thoughts. *Would the power and authority of his
family bail him out? ?- Moon and Jupiter might save him - the influence of
money (Jupiter/2nd) and power(Mo/10th). The authorities should probably
focus on his followers(5th), they could betray him under pressure.*

*He is running the dasa of Sun/Saturn showing trouble/punishment from
authorities. Will it result in long time imprisonment - not sure because of
lack of bandhana yogas.*

*Love - Ravi.*

On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 6:18 PM, m2smart4u2000 <>wrote:

> Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot (born August 6, 1987 at 10:38 PM in
> Arnhem, Netherlands) is a Dutch national who lived in Aruba. He is charged
> in US related to the whereabouts of Natalee Holloway, who disappeared in
> Aruba on May 30, 2005, and is the main suspect in the murder investigation
> of Stephany Flores Ramirez, who died on May 30, 2010, in Lima Peru, exactly
> five years after Holloway's disappearance.

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