--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <fintlewoodle...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m2smart4u2000 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > > So this will be a difficult time for Joran, and the
> > > > planetary energy is indicating prison time for him.
> > > > Transit Saturn will aspect natal Jupiter, the ascendant
> > > > lord in the months of Nov/Dec 2011, a very bad time.
> > > 
> > > With that staggering amount of knowledge gleaned simply from
> > > a birthdate you should be able to give us a rather good 
> > > prediction about the eventual outcome. Care to put something
> > > in writing? 
> > 
> > Two predictions above: prison time, and two months that
> > will be especially difficult for him. His trial, maybe?
> You call that a prediction?

Well, it's two predictions about the eventual outcome,
which is what you asked, right? Since it appears that
he's now confessed to the murder of the Peruvian woman,
looks like the first prediction will very likely be
accurate. We'll have to see whether a difficult two
months in November/December 2011 can be identified, but
it is something we can check on.

 I didn't even notice it. I guess
> this underlines the difference between what happens when you
> look at a Rorshach blot for confirmation compared to when
> you actually expect something to be pointed towards beforehand
> This is how astrology works. If you can only say what might be
> happening once he's in already in jail, and without being even
> remotely specific, how do you know you aren't just looking
> for correlations that could apply to anyone?

Not sure what your point is, since this said nothing about
what might be happening once he's already in jail.

> But as we clearly have a few experts here would any of them
> care to do my horoscope and a few predictions for the next
> six months? Go on it'll be fun, and I promise to be honest.
> Lets face it, if there is anything to astrology at all we'll
> have a Nobel prize to share amongst ourselves. True we might
> have the tricky task of having to explain why only some 
> planets are used and why we have to have the Earth at the 
> centre of the solar system etc etc.

Gee, it's been explained to you several times now why
this is irrelevant.

> > > And was this guy tracked down because of his horoscope?
> > > And couldn't you have predicted and prevented the crime
> > > in the first place? Otherwise what possible use is it
> > > other than as a kind of New-age Philip K Dick movie,
> > > Through a Minority Jyotishee Boredly perhaps.
> > 
> > Useful for study purposes, actually, to see how a chart
> > reflects a life. It's standard in Western astrology as
> > well. Theoretically, if you examine many charts of people
> > about whose lives you know something, you can see how
> > the charts "predicted" their lives, how the principles of
> > astrology apply. You then presumably use that knowledge
> > to make your own predictions of things that haven't
> > happened yet. It's a little like learning a language.
> Same thing happened with Nostradamus's "predictions" they 
> they were only made after the event which isn't much use
> in confirming a link with the planets really. Getting
> something useful about the future seems to be rather 
> trickier.

Well, of course future predictions are trickier. But again,
your question was about how the kind of analysis quoted was
useful to astrologers. Do you understand how principles that
are demonstrated in the connections between a particular
chart and what has happened to the person can give the
astrologer a better grasp of how it's all said to work, such 
that the astrologer can then use those principles to make his/
her own predictions in other cases?

(Nostradamus is probably not a good example, for a lot of

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