--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > To do a Willytex on this, "So you're saying that a
> > morbidly obese old man (with all that says about his
> > own personal level of happiness), trying to convince 
> > meditators that the TM organization has a future, 
> > could find no way to do so other than show photos
> > of the past and talk about it."  
> Day after day, year after year you denounce the TMO, yet you are 
> going nowhere and the TMO is expanding all over the world except 
> for in the West (which had it's divine opportunity). 
> You're on a dead-end-road in your "Buddhist" evangelism against 
> the TMO, and you're not getting any younger.
> Don't you have anything better to do ?


Just for fun I'm going to pretend you replied to my
earlier "The Things Not Talked About" post and not
this one. So in answer to your last sentence above,
I'll turn it around on you -- don't *you* have any-
thing better to do than what we see here on FFL?

Your schtick seems to be to post TM and Benjamin 
Creme and UFO propaganda and call the folks who don't 
find any of them as fascinating as you do names. I 
can't remember you ever speaking much about your 
life, in a way that convinced me you have one. 

You have spoken of at least one past girlfriend, as 
if she was part of the distant past. You have spoken 
of your past Purusha involvement, also distant past. 

What you never speak of is your present. 

Do you have one?

If you don't mind, tell us about the most uplifting 
and interesting spiritual experience you have had

To put my request in perspective, from my point of
view you are free to believe that the TM movement is 
still moving; I am less convinced, that's all. Con-
trary to what you claim I don't hate the TMO; I find 
it an interesting failed socio-religious experiment, 
and follow its exploits like soap opera because I 
was once a minor character in the soap opera, and 
am curious as to how it'll end. As I've told you 
many times, I'm not even a Buddhist, much less a 
Buddhist evangelist. As for "going nowhere," and 
being on a "dead-end road," I can see how you would 
believe that because I have no one in my life I call 
"guru" or "master" or even teacher, and some see 
thinking for themselves as an indication of failure. 

That said, if someone made the request of me I make
of you above, at any point in the last ten years, I 
wouldn't have to go back any further than a few days 
to think of my most recent uplifting and interesting 
spiritual experience.

If you have to go back to your days with Maharishi 
to come up with yours, I'd suggest that the path you 
and Bevan are on is possibly more reminiscent of a 
dead end than mine.

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