nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> nablusoss1008 wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> nablusoss1008 wrote:
>>>>> --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
>>>>>> To do a Willytex on this, "So you're saying that a
>>>>>> morbidly obese old man (with all that says about his
>>>>>> own personal level of happiness), trying to convince 
>>>>>> meditators that the TM organization has a future, 
>>>>>> could find no way to do so other than show photos
>>>>>> of the past and talk about it."  
>>>>> Day after day, year after year you denounce the TMO, yet you are going 
>>>>> nowhere and the TMO is expanding all over the world except for in the 
>>>>> West (which had it's divine opportunity). 
>>>>> You're on a dead-end-road in your "Buddhist" evangelism against the TMO, 
>>>>> and you're not getting any younger.
>>>>> Don't you have anything better to do ?
>>>> Nabby, you are such a poster child for the TMO.  I bet Bevan would love 
>>>> to have you as his right hand man.  Oh but you might have to hide the 
>>>> Maitreya stuff.  :-D
>>> Do you think Bevanji is not fully aware of the true colours of all that 
>>> Maharishi produced, including "Heaven will walk on Earth" "In this 
>>> generation" ?
>>> If Maitryea is indeed amongst us (which He is), His Divinity Maharishi 
>>> Mahesh Yogi was very, very much involved in the process. As one of 
>>> Maharishis closest disciples, do you think this escaped Bevan ?
>>> No my friend, Bevan is infinately more informed than you can imagine.
>> Really? 
> You're a nobody. 
> Bevan is on a fast track to Masterhood.

We're all nobodies including Bevan.  You obviously haven't figured 
things out yet.  Masterhood of what anyway?  Bet Bevan doesn't have a 
clue when it comes to mantra shastra.

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