--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "johnlasher20002000"
<johnltheob...@...> wrote:
> http://sai-fi.net/satyababa/?cat=190
> These are some of the blogs from the Sai Baba site. I don't know
> if it's the same Judith Bourque Who wrote the book about MMY but
> it seems the site is accusing Conny Larsson of trying to discredit
> Sai Baba and the same site mentions the connections and involvement
> of Judith Bourque. I don't know if we're talking about the same
> people or not, or what the situation they're talking about, but
> it struck me as coincidence.

It's not a coincidence. The Sai Baba followers are
well known in spiritual circles for being exactly
like Scientologists when dealing with criticism of
their pedophile and bad stage magician guru. Like
the Scientologists, they actually hire private
detectives to "dig up dirt" on the critics and
smear them. Here is one of their "hit pieces" on
Conny Larsson, which also mentions Judith Bourque.

http://tinyurl.com/3xddff7 <http://tinyurl.com/3xddff7>

Please note that this is on the OFFICIAL SAI

One of the reasons I've been so proactive in point-
ing out the tendency to try to "shoot the messenger"
when confronted by a message one doesn't like is
to hopefully keep TMers from being considered
*quite* as crazy and cultlike as the Sai Baba and
Scientology crazies.

I merely *hope* that "johnlasher" is pointing out
this systematic smearing for informational purposes,
and not for the purpose of...uh...joining in the
smear. The latter would make him look kinda like
an idiot, wouldn't it?

> to view the archive.org results for Judith Bourque's original
testimony as published on the vedicmasterclass.org domain (archive.org
results are still available as of September 8th 2009). Archive.org has
four results (from July 4th 2007 to February 13th 2008) for the webpage
that contained Judith Bourque's original testimony. It is important to
note that archive.org only indexes webpages after a period of 6 – 12
months. Therefore, Judith Bourque's testimony was published on the
vedicmasterclass.org domain sometime in mid to late 2006 and remained
there until February 2009 when it was altered. The screencap shows the
archive.org results for the webpage containing Judith Bourque's
first-hand testimony about Conny Larsson's "trance channeling" of Vyasa.
> Name: Ramana
> Email: ram...@...
> Gender: Male
> Location: poland
> IP:
> Hostname: dzi154.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl
> Comment About: Comments
> Date/Time: Wednesday, 02 November 2005 — 11:09:26 AM
> Hi
> I sent to you few weeks ago email and I dont have time to replay you,
Im sorry. Now Im again In Poland so I have time to write. I wanna share
with you about Conny Larsson,well I knew him very well, I and my brother
used it organizeted for Conny Larsson teaching meditation courses in
whole Poland for Sai Devotees. So This was during 1997 till 1999. We
were very close friends with Conny, To make this story short I want
inform you that Conny is good actor and he tell all time untruth storys
about his interviews, when he talked to people about Sai Baba and his
interviews he all time tell different storys, he said something diffrent
in 1998 and year after he said this same interview diffrent. He lies all
time. I belived that Conny had maybe interiviews during 1980 till 83 and
since that time he made up other interviews. So he got last interview I
think in 1999.In this interview 1999 I belived him because he had
> When he came to Poland in September 1999 he said that Baba rape him
many times and Baba is fraud. We were shocked, he said that he is now ex
baba devotee. Also he wanted forses us to tell that Sai Baba rape even
me and my brother! We said Why i should lie? HE replay because this is
game, this demon sai baba must bit. HE said- tell people in sai movemnt
in poland that sai rape you-,I said NO I will not lie! Conny said I will
pay you money only say that sai baba make sex with you. I dont even tell
that this was our last meeting with Conny. As you see Conny is.. I dont
know little crazy? Also I met Alayer In India 1999.Even in 3 august 1999
we were sitting in same plane (in this same sitts) to Bombay from
Putapartii. We were also good friends because he know Conny Larsson very
well, Alayer speak about Baba in good way, he all time said that he love
Baba etc. BUt when HE came back to USA he spoke with Conny in august
1999 he decided left Baba as Conny do. Maybe Conny paid him like he
wanted paid us?
> Ramana from Poland
> [CLICK HERE For ScreenCap Reference]
> "Meeting for the Masters' Class in Cypress was truly inspiring and an
excellent example of how to spend a meaningful holiday. We were a group
of teachers from several different countries, each bringing to the class
an area of acquired knowledge and experience…Conny spoke about the
seven different states of consciousness and also did some
interpretations from Vyaasa, `the first Rishi, or Seer'. That, for sure
was an extra bonus at the seminar…I really look forward to the next
event of this kind that Conny organises! Judith Bourque, Holistic
Therapist and Independent Filmmaker"

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