You spoke just a minute too soon Barry. Check out WillyTex's attempted smear of 
Judith going on now. Classic shoot-the-messenger stuff.

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Correction.
> --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Please note that this is on the OFFICIAL SAI
> I had been told in the past that this was a website
> paid for and generated by Sai Baba's organization, but 
> a search of it finds no such "official" attribution, 
> and in fact an explicit claim that it's not.
> Still, it's a pretty remarkable site, which I recommend
> to those interested in guru highjinks and how some TB 
> guru followers respond to them. The home page:
> The "Contact" page is remarkably revealing in its use
> of threats and paranoia:
> Whether officially sanctioned by the Sai Baba org or not, 
> this website is an example of what lies at the bottom of 
> the slippery slope that seekers head down when they choose 
> to go the route of "shoot the messenger."
> Who -- except Nabby, of course -- could read this and come
> away thinking, "Wow...that is sure one *spiritual* organ-
> ization! I just can't *wait* to become part of it and learn
> to think like these true spiritual seekers think?"
> Now think about the impression created in lurkers by those
> who have dedicated YEARS OF THEIR LIVES to trying to 
> practice "shoot the messenger" on FFL and a.m.t. posters 
> who criticize Maharishi or TM or the TMO. What are they 
> THINKING to believe that this is a "spiritual" thing 
> to do and will be perceived as one?
> So far (probably due to its limited availability), I have
> seen no "shoot the messenger" responses to Judith's book
> from the TMO. I *have* seen attempts by official TM spokes-
> persons to demonize and discredit David Sieveking for his
> film "David Wants To Fly," including threatened lawsuits
> and attempts to get the premiere of the film canceled.
> I am merely suggesting proactively that folks really don't 
> want to "go there." Doing so is a classically dumb method
> of shooting yourself (and the teacher or org you are trying
> to "protect") in the foot. Do you really want to be thought
> of the way that you probably thought of the person who
> created the "Pro-Sai" site above? There ain't nuthin' 
> "pro" about it, only "con," as in con job. 
> "People use the word 'guru' because 'charlatan' is so hard 
> to spell."  - Peter Drucker

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