> > Conny and Judith are friends and both live in Sweden.
> >
According to my sources, Connie and Judith are in bed 
together most of the time. They seem to be two highly 
charged individuals, to say the least! 

Apparently they both want to be like the Maharishi, to be 
'gurus' themselves. I wouldn't be surprised to see them 
giving tantric workshops in Sedona, Arizona any day now.

"Referring to my statement he said that I was 'unstressing' 
the karma that was 'coming from me'. From then, I gave him 
his last nightly massage, kissed his feet, and left him." 
- Connie Larsson 

Read more:

Subject: God's Little Clown
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: May 26, 2004

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