--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Following up on Nabby's claimed reasons for his hatred
> of Buddhists, doesn't anyone ever wonder why he never
> thinks any of these rationalizations for hatred *through*?
> Yes, there is a history of ritual and ceremonial magic in
> Tibet, long pre-dating the arrival of Buddhism. It was 
> (according to myth) common among the Bon shamans who ran
> things in Tibet before Padmasambhava arrived and kicked
> them all out. There is very little history of magic being
> used for "dark" purposes afterwards.

Except during WWII

> Similarly, there is little question that some of the sicker
> minds in the Third Reich had an unhealthy fascination with
> "objects of power" and with ritual magic, thinking it would
> help them rule the world. Whether anything ever happened 
> with such fascinations is debatable. Certainly Angela has
> all the credibility of Willytex, so *nothing* she ever says
> can be taken with less than a pound bag of salt.
> But what Nabby misses entirely is that in his imagined 
> scenario it's the GERMANS who imagine dastardly things to
> do with black magic, and who import (supposedly) Tibetans
> to help them do it. 
> If Nabby were sane, he'd see that it's GERMANS he should 
> have an unreasoning hatred for, not Buddhists. 

You're a fool, why should I hate germans ? I hate nobody, but the nazi idea of 
overtaking the world with the help of Buddhist tibetans would make any sane 
person sick. Since you're not mentally sane you seem to be comfortable with 
that. There is a very good reason why you were never allowed to enter 
Maharishi's room but was kept securliy outside and later kicked out of the 

But he can't
> do that, first because he's German, and second because *he*
> suffers from the same mind disease that the Nazis did. When
> he hears about "magical abilities," the first thing (and 
> often the only thing) his mind turns to is how they could
> be used against HIM, or against people he identifies with,
> like TMers. His rantings here are FULL of such paranoia,
> whether it's CIA agents infiltrating the TMO or FFL, or 
> the Dalai Lama paying people to badrap TM, or whatever. 
> In other words, the person who embodies the sick, twisted
> aspect of this fascination with magic *to achieve the ends
> of one's ego* is NABBY. He is essentially the modern 
> counterpart of the Nazis who did the same thing in WWII.

You're a joke, even though your historical analysis might be correct regarding 
the early history of the tibetans.
That Hitler imported tibetans to Berlin to do black magic on his behalf is not 
paranoia, it's a fact. 

In your perverted world I'm a nazi. In the world of reality many Buddhists did 
everything they could to support and strenghten the Third Reich.
As we know they were defeated by the forces of light through the sacrifice of 
countless brave europeans, americans and russians.

The chinese now rule Tibet and the Dolly Lama remains a (failed) politician. 
Get over it.

> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:

> > > > 
> > > > 127 Buddhist Lamas of Tibetan origin were found by the russians in a 
> > > > appartment-building in Berlin, May 9'th 1945 and promptly shot.
> > > 
> > > What these Tibetan Buddhists were doing in Berlin we will probably never 
> > > know as their main man killed himself with a gun in a bunker, after 
> > > posining his dog, and seing his wife dying of poision. The others in the 
> > > know were hanged after the Nuremberg trials. 
> > > 
> > > Obviously they were contributing to the Third Reich, after having been 
> > > invited by Hitler, in a vain attempt to by black magic try stop the 
> > > forces of light. 
> > > 
> > > These Buddhists failed in their foolish and vain attempt to de-stabilice 
> > > the western countries, and concequently had to pay their price with their 
> > > lives. 
> > > 
> > > Other laughable Buddists are continuing to nurture this dream, all the 
> > > while the western countries have their focus on the Taliban.
> >

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