And then the Wonderfully Clever Me award, to the
person with the greatest investment in convincing
everybody else that he is enlightened, by devising
the most creative (if far-fetched and illogical)
put-downs of those who, unlike himself, aren't
afraid to admit they aren't enlightened.

----That's a pretty convoluted award and should get a big Golden Conch. 
But this awarding ourselves is a good idea. In the future people could just award themselves when they felt like it.  Then people could yea or nay.  People could award themselves for nefarious things as well, say, just for the party afterwards, because everyone would yea them. Like, "I award myself the most vomitous drunk."  People would yea, then cut the cake and ring the bell of invinciblity. But if for instance they said, "I award myself the most pious and humble award," then people would nay them and no light the candle and no ring the bell.  In this way people would stand a better and more realistic chance of being gratified for true humility and have a clearer mirror held. "I take the award for most stinkiest farting clout!"  Yea... Cut the cake... Ring the bell...light the candle...some truth has today been received....

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