Seems you have more in common with Adi Da than you think. Here is a picture on 
Flicker of the Dalai Lama's toilet in Tibet that he used to relieve himself 
into, revered as a holy object, with donations of money placed on the seat.

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Apr 25, 2011, at 8:38 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > The tale from that period that told me the most (IMO)
> > about Adi Da was the "auction" he held to raise money,
> > soon after these (fairly) wealthy former Rama students
> > showed up. One of the items for sale was a Q-tip, used
> > by him, and thus containing some of his Holy Ear Wax.
> >
> > I'm serious. Somebody probably paid big bucks for it
> > as a holy relic. There is crazy wisdom, and then there
> > is crazy wisdom. :-)
> People who visited his sanctuary in CA used to be given an mandatory  
> tour of the place and were shown the holy spots where Adi Da had  
> pissed (among others).

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