--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@...> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> > I occasionally get an invite to "join so and so on (fill in the
> > blank)".  Most recently on LinkedIn, a place I call "desperation row."
> > A friend already tricked me into signing on to LinkedIn a few years ago
> > under my own name and I'm not going to sign up under my handles.  I also
> > have no interest in Facebook.  LinkedIn annoys me because there are two
> > groups with the same name for the company I worked at and I know that
> > I've gotten requests again from folks I worked with on one group and
> > added because they joined the other.  What really annoys me about these
> > groups is some twenty something telling me "what I'm supposed to do."
> >
> >
> I got an invite from none other than our FFL Owner in Chief today.  For
> Linkedin.  I absolutely hate Linkedin and would love directions on how to
> delete my account.  It started off very innocently.  I accepted one person
> as a connection.  Then every once in a while one or two more.   Now I'm
> receiving requests to connect to cartush merchants in the Luxor, Egypt suuk
> and being told the joyous news that I'm connected, a couple thousand times
> removed, to a trany who owns an escort service in Kazakhstan.

Here - 

Hope you are torn asunder from Linkedin or you kill your painful Linkedin 
profile quickly.

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