Yep. I was very much struck when I watched about thirty seconds of Obama's 
speech yesterday, him going on and on about the 2000+ innocent lives lost on 
9/11 and I am thinking I'll bet that is how many innocent people in the world 
have lost their lives to our weapons in just the last *month* or two. We 
definitely drive the killing momentum in the world on a large scale. I am not 
surprised it came around to bite us in such a horrific way on 9/11.

--- In, tartbrain <no_reply@...> wrote:
> "Hot damn! They Got that MothaF**ker. Damned towel head camel jockeies" I am 
> sure is a refrain across many bars yesterday.
> And that was the reaction when we shocked and awed Iraq -- "teach those 
> MothaFf**kers a lesson they won't forget!" -- even though Iraq had nothing to 
> do with 9/11.
> Rudy Gulliani said, soon after 9/1 when some pointed to the US and its allies 
> less than stellar behavior in the Middle East, "there is NO moral 
> equivalency!" that is nothing justifies killing 3000 innocent people. (well 
> except for killing and maiming millions more to "teach them MothaF**kers a 
> lesson they won't fergit") 
> Not a popular view, but OBL was dedicated to some strong ideals. To not let 
> uber-materialistic and morally bankrupt west from influencing muslim culture, 
> and dominating the politics of the middle east. To rid the support for 
> corrupt non-spiritual monarchies who have exploited their lands and people, 
> and who rule with an iron fist. To break the link of US / Israeli 
> barbarianism upon Palistineans (not to say the Palistineans have not also 
> been barbaric, but one barbarism does not justify another). 
> To rejoice when another human being is murdered, and worse, to think that 
> somehow makes things more even, to think this improves world peace and 
> harmony is crack-like addiction to self-rightousness and self-importance. 
> ("And besides he was a MothaF**king AAARAB and they are hardly human" as the 
> good ol boys are toasting and cheering).

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