--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...> wrote:

> > Not a popular view, but OBL was dedicated to some strong ideals. To not let 
> > uber-materialistic and morally bankrupt west from influencing muslim 
> > culture, and dominating the politics of the middle east. To rid the support 
> > for corrupt non-spiritual monarchies who have exploited their lands and 
> > people, and who rule with an iron fist. To break the link of US / Israeli 
> > barbarianism upon Palistineans (not to say the Palistineans have not also 
> > been barbaric, but one barbarism does not justify another). 

Correct. And it also explains why he is a hero to millions in the Muslim world. 
Again; the Thesophists claim OBL had nothing to do with 7/11 whatsoever, even 
though he cowardly applauded the attack.

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