--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson <ameradian2@...> wrote:
> Hello to everyone on Fairfield life. My name is Dr. William Parkinson and I 
> have been lurking here for over a month. I have only recently started 
> meditating ( 5months) and I am trying to learn as much about TM as I can; 
> both the  good and the bad. Recently, MZ\RobinC and Ravi Yogi have made some 
> brief, but tantalizing allusions, to sleep (actually the lack thereof) and 
> various states of consciousness. Years ago I read the paper in the journal 
> Sleep documenting that people in established CC still maintain alpha wave 
> paterns even during delta sleep. I was wondering if anyone could shed further 
> light on this phenomenon. I understand that this is not the same as insomnia, 
> but I'm wondering exactly what happens and whether or not it interferes with 
> sleep. I am also wondering whether or not so-called cosmic consciousness 
> would recede back into the background if someone were to discontinue TM. I 
> ask this because in the eventuality that I, or someone else, may
>  be disconcerted by having this state of consciousness during sleep it would 
> be quite helpful to know that the discontinuation of TM would reverse this 
> phenomenon. I would be deeply appreciative of any information that anyone 
> might be willing to give me. Thank you in advance!
> Cheers
> Bill

* * Dear Bill, welcome to Fairfield Life! 

Great questions; I'll take a shot at them. In my recollection, anyhow, 
witnessing sleep before Awakening was somewhat transitory. Since then however, 
it has generally felt as if a part of me is always asleep (if I had to locate 
this part, it would be in the back of my brain) and a part of me is always 
awake (this would be more in the brow area), so there really appears to be only 
one state of consciousness, or more accurately, one consciousness always and 
ever Here and Now which predominates through all its various states, so that 
the brain as a whole sings, regardless of where "I" happen to be localized in 
the brain's choir. Conscious mantra-meditation ceased immediately upon 
Awakening, as it was self-evident that "I" was not, and That Alone IS, and 
there was no longer anywhere to go, and that was 29 years ago. 

I have no regrets and no desire to change, but then this is certainly not 
Cosmic Consciousness as classically described, or not C.C. alone; it is 
indescribable, more like everything and nothing, more like utter ignorance with 
utter contentment :-)

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