--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson <ameradian2@...> wrote:
> Thank you so much for telling me about this. Is this what MMY claimed about 
> his own sense of mission? I have read the 'Beacon Light of the Himalayas' 
> (from Paul Mason's site) and I thought that his sole purpose was simply 
> because he had a meditation suitable for so-called 'householders.' So his 
> real purpose was to raise the entire world consciousness, which in turn 
> would allow others to become fully enlightened? Did I understand you 
> correctly? If that is true that is a remarkable insight into his mission (or 
> at least what he may have claimed for his mission). This is what I love about 
> FFL. I get to learn so many interesting details and tidbits from all of you 
> who have been in the movement years ago, and know far more than I do. Thank 
> you for telling me about this!!!
> Cheers

I think you could say that his own mission involved finding his own full 
enlightenment, or at least attempting to, by raising the world's consciousness 
to the point where he could be fully enlightened.


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