"Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And also, I love the
comment by your Guru".
Bill thanks for sharing your experiences and for your comments. There
were really no meditation techniques my Guru prescribed other than love
and service, not to mention that I didn't even bother to ask for any
spiritual advice. Due to my innate nature and the upbringing by my
mother I was very independent and always reacted negatively to anyone's
advice. I did try lot of different techniques such as chanting, singing
and I could easily get into a strong buzz regardless of the technique. I
was able to get to my current state merely through my Guru's grace, my
samskaras of of only accepting if it made sense to me; the pain and
suffering I went through required and resulted in an existential leap.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson <ameradian2@...>
> Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I did
not know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason why
I practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for better
or worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I have
ever experienced. It happened in the first day or two, and that was
something I can't say for any other form of meditation I tried,
including classical concentration (which I started when I was perhaps 12
years old following the guidelines in a book by Richard Hittleman on
Yoga), or vipanassana, or meditating on my breath while using a simple
form of pranayama. For me TM is simply an expedient tool-- I have no
desire to reach GC or UG and right now I'm just trying to figure out if
I should even allowed to go so far as CC 24/7. Â Frankly this entire
notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, this awareness of a
silent inner level, during sleep is something that
>  concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And I
also worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be
long-lasting, if not permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even
neuroanatomy. Btw, what form of meditation were you practicing? And
also, I love the comment by your Guru. That was a very perceptive
comment!! Â
> Cheers
> Bill

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