--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, William Parkinson <ameradian2@...> wrote:
> Thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you Ravi. I did not 
> know that you are using something other than TM. The only reason why I 
> practice TM is because having tried other meditations, TM, for better or 
> worse, seems to allow me to transcend in the quickest manner I have ever 
> experienced. It happened in the first day or two, and that was something I 
> can't say for any other form of meditation I tried, including classical 
> concentration (which I started when I was perhaps 12 years old following the 
> guidelines in a book by Richard Hittleman on Yoga), or vipanassana, or 
> meditating on my breath while using a simple form of pranayama. For me TM is 
> simply an expedient tool-- I have no desire to reach GC or UG and right now 
> I'm just trying to figure out if I should even allowed to go so far as CC 
> 24/7.  Frankly this entire notion of having so-called Cosmic Consciousness, 
> this awareness of a silent inner level, during sleep is something that
>  concerns me. I wonder if it will make sleep far more difficult. And I also 
> worry about what I just read concerning what seems to be long-lasting, if not 
> permanent changes to either neurophysiology or even neuroanatomy. Btw, what 
> form of meditation were you practicing? And also, I love the comment by your 
> Guru. That was a very perceptive comment!!  
> Cheers
> Bill
> From: Ravi Yogi <raviyogi@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:55 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sleep and TM (are youstill there RC?)
> Dear Bill,
> Not being familiar with TM, I can just share my experiences.
> In my experience not being aware during deep sleep state doesn't seem to 
> hinder bliss and perfect awareness during the wakeful state. Most of the 
> times I sleep like a log, if I'm too high I might feel like I'm aware of my 
> sleep state but this happens rarely.
> However during a period of 3 months in 09 & 10, during this period that I 
> refer to as the descension of divine I hardly slept and had full awareness 
> even while asleep. But I believe this to be a side effect of the body trying 
> to cope with energy than any natural state. My body treated this energy as an 
> invasion and felt the need to be awake 24 hours a day to deal with this.
> So based on my experience it was just an interim state, after having 
> integrated the energy and rising up higher in consciousness, so to speak I 
> just sleep.
> TM is a path like many others, like my Guru would say once you reach the 
> shore you leave the boat behind, you wouldn't carry it on your head.

For me the further shore occasionally seems closer than at other times, but 
invariably a cleansing flood washes the boat back down stream, and the further  
shore seems at least as far away as ever, if not more.

IOW, I haven't found an opportunity to carry the boat around on my head for any 
appreciable length of time, at least.

To paraphrase MMY: as long as you have thoughts during meditation, you can 
still benefit from meditation...


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