On Aug 7, 2011, at 9:03 AM, seventhray1 wrote:
What I get from this was that we have  a women who had breast cancer, was 
treated by Chopra at an Ayurvedic clinic, was declared to be cured and died 
shortly thereafter.  Is this not the the case? 

It appears to me that the case he trying to make is that her Ayurvedic 
treatments did not cure the cancer in spite of claims to the contrary as 
evidenced by her death.  For if she had been cured of her cancer, she would not 
have died within a year of being cured by her cancer, presuming the cause of 
death was cancer.

These seem to be reasonable conclusions.  What am I missing?

Her name was Marian Thompson, and it was horrible.
A good friend of mine watched her go downhill in the
year or two after her so-called "cure."  Here is what
Quackwatch had to say:

"On a "Donahue" show, Chopra maintained that people who are happy not only have 
fewer colds but are less likely to get heart disease or cancer. During one 
segment, Chopra took Phil Donahue's pulse and diagnosed him as "a romantic." 
The program also featured a testimonial by Marian Thompson, a patient whose 
metastatic breast cancer had gone into remission with chemotherapy plus 
ayurvedic treatment. Chopra asserted that his methods had played a major role 
in the woman's apparent recovery by strengthening her immune system. Ms. 
Thompson subsequently died of her disease."


There's undoubtedly more on this elsewhere on the Web.


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