--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> 1. Carried Maharishi's deer skin from place to place.

That should be 10 in the countdown.

9. Locate all you can eat buffet for Bevan, Chuck-E Cheese for
8. Swallow condoms filled with international money orders to smuggle
   into next country.
7. Bury bodies in landfill. Send parents bill.
6. Send hotties who can't take the hint to Yama. (see 7)
5. Give latest jilted babe her marching orders after the Master has
   moved on.  Put her on plane after signing nondisclosure agreement.
4. Cancel all hotel reservations after course participant's checks
   clear and inform them that finding their own accommodations will
   be a test of flexibility. 
3. Replace every reference to actual expensive cheese in course 
   recipe with budget friendly cheese flavored bechamel sauce.
2. Interview perspective "favorites" from lady's course using
   standard Girls Gone Wild criteria and rating system from "wouldn't
   do her with your lingum" to "Bodaciously Brahman".
1. Steal Master's sandals for Ebay in hard times.  


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