> ...as a scientist (not having read this book), 
> Reality might be defined as that which can be 
> observed repeatedly by objective viewers
In reality, we only know anything based on the 
three valid means of knowledge: the senses,
inference, and verbal testimony. 

Most of what we know we were told it, and the 
rest of our knowledge came from our senses, 
mainly our eyes and our ears. There are very
few people on the planet that know anything
aprori, that is, a transcendental knowledge.

Obviously you read about an "Ultimate Reality" 
in a book, or you were told it by Zen Master 
Rama. Not from an "un-reality" would you have 
learned this term!

So, what did your guru, Zen Master Rama, say
about the Ultimate Reality? If you forgot what
Rama said, I'll post it here. LoL!

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