--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@...> wrote:
> How about if some of us who qualify to go into the domes, join those on the 
> outside in the parking lot as solidarity!  
> Of course, writing this may have disqualified me from entering the domes, but 
> what the heck, the more the merrier! I can fit four flyers, comfortably in my 
> car, pretty close to deer skin seats, at least a cousin of the deer.  We may 
> have to do a pool to cover the cost of new struts, but it is for a good 
> cause. 
> The higher flyers can sit in the front seats with the sunroof for added 
> height. Plenty of elbow and knee room.
> Looking for 3 Sidhas..to join me.

Why do I get the feeling that Maharishi would find this initiative of 
meditating outside the Dome vey good ?

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