Not said with any agenda, snarkiness or irony, rather a sincere question, but 
what do you, raunchy and judy obtain from these dialogues. I would answer for 
myself, but to be honest, after repeated attempts, I cannot get past the first 
paragraph of the half dozen or so exchanges I have attempted to fathom. 

In reading any new author or exchange, I, at least in the back recesses of my 
mind, am asking, "is there any 'there' there?"  I am sure there is, as you and 
others testify. But each long densely packed  paragraph that I attempt, my 
(perhaps lazy) mind rebels and asks  "Oh Lord, where is the 'there' there". I 
feel like I am at the beginning of an intellectual wild goose chase -- and 
abort the mission. 

Sometimes I think they are advanced zen or dochzen masters in disguise, playing 
with us, taunting us, and the sole purpose of their dialogues is the totally 
and completely still the readers mind. That has happened to me. Twisted,flayed, 
stretched and twisted, parched in a desert dry of any familiar meaningfulness, 
after a paragraph my mind (and this is my limited mind, mind you, not a 
generalized observation, "holy shit, I totally give up, I want to go home Right 
Now and rest in the vast void, beyond this intense cacaphony of dense mind 
states. Abort ALL systems, Abort mind immediately."   

I have faith in Curtis' intellectual skills and background (and more broadly 
his artistic/intuitive sensitivities) in that if he is finding value in the 
exchanges, there must be some "there" there. Though to be honest, at times I 
can't follow him too far down, what appears to me to be a rabbit hole, in his 
long discourses with a few other sparing partners. But in whole, I enjoy his 
insights and style. 

That said, and I ask sincerely, can one or all of you provide some some cliff 
notes, a cartoon version, a list of key points, an annotated version (like 
needed to read James Joyce or Sarte) of what themes, ideas, insights that you 
find of value in these dialogues. (This is not a loaded question.)  

--- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> Ditto on that.  Sending my thanks to both of them for an intriguing and
> enlightening discussion.
> --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> wrote:
> > I've been quietly lurking, reading most of Curtis and Robin's posts.
> It's a lot to wade through but it's worth the effort. Their conversation
> invites me to get in synch with their thought processes and experience
> the unfolding of their deeply felt, yet, uniquely intellectual
> approaches to reality. The brain power between them could light up a
> city.
> >
> > The only sport my Dad enjoyed watching on TV was boxing, so very early
> on I learned to cheer evenly matched opponents. Busker Boy Curtis in
> Boxer-Blue shorts vrs. Fancy Pants Robin in Cardinal Red pantaloons are
> evenly matched heavy weights. Jabs, hooks, one-two punches, he's up,
> he's down and so far it's a draw! Thanks for tickets to ring-side, guys.
> Ding!
> >

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