Thank you Ravi...your post to Obba, btw, has strains of a Rumi poem.  It's 
quite beautiful.  I'm sure I'm over my limit, or within a post or two, so I am 
going to stay away and practice sitting next week.  I'm wiped out by all my 
intensity over the last few days...although I enjoyed playing in the playground.

From: Ravi Yogi <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, November 7, 2011 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reality Distortion Field: from Steve Jobs by 
Walter Isaacson

Dear Denise,

No problem I appreciate your views and sure - it doesn't work for everyone. But 
you know what, like you said there's definitely lot to others to choose from.

Pre-awakening in the depths of misery I tried everything I could lay hand on. ( 
My Guru didn't have the IAM technique then :-)).

And one of them was this - this simple technique of watching your incoming 
breath and then outgoing breath. Incoming - life, creation - outgoing - the end 
death. It was fun doing the technique because you enter a stillness with the 
outgoing breath.

So good luck !!!



On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:56 AM, Denise Evans <> wrote:

>Ravi, I was actually talking about Buddhism as there is a large body of 
>information targeting the ignorant masses looking for a different spiritual 
>practice.  It has been dumbed down and I'm not clear that benefit could not be 
>gained by cherry-picking some of the techniques, regardless of whether one 
>delves more deeply into the complexities of "Buddhism." 
>It's free and seems more above-board in this respect.  I disagree that people 
>don't appreciate things they receive for free and the commitment comes from 
>inside, in all regards.
>I just keep believing that it doesn't matter so much what tradition is 
>followed if one's intention and practice serve to meet one's personal needs.  
>For me, for example, if I just simply sit and breathe for 30 minutes and focus 
>on my breath, which is the simplest of things to do, I start to calm down.  If 
>that is all I ever manage, it may not get me to an altered state or "higher" 
>level of consciousness, but it might improve the quality of my life still.  
>I do agree that there is likely more to be gained from more in-depth study and 
>participation in a spiritual practice of one's choosing.
>I bought an Macbook Pro and paid extra for the hand-holding contract piece, 
>but I don't find that I feel particularly special, just poorer.
>From: Ravi Yogi <>
>To: "" <>
>Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 2:38 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reality Distortion Field: from Steve Jobs by 
>Walter Isaacson
>Hmm..Denise I'm confused - you must be referring to TM while I was talking 
>about Buddhism.
>As far as I can see, there is value in TM charging money - one people never 
>appreciate anything they receive for free, secondly they put more effort since 
>they have paid it and thirdly it makes them feel special, much like buying an 
>Apple product which is very helpful in initial stages.
>On Nov 6, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Denise Evans <> wrote:
>>"Buddhism is a great but arduous path, not for everyone, only for a few who 
>>have the great intellect combined with proper discrimination...."
>>I don't see why it has to be so complicated or why one has to buy in 
>>fully....I think there may be value in practicing principles and techniques 
>>that can be spoon-fed to the Yogurt-lite.  
>>From: Ravi Yogi <>
>>To: "" <>
>>Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 1:01 PM
>>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reality Distortion Field: from Steve Jobs by 
>>Walter Isaacson
>>On Nov 6, 2011, at 10:21 AM, "seventhray1" <> wrote:
>>>I understand what you are saying.  I'll be honest.  I skim so lightly 
>>>whatever Nabby says, that I really can't say what Tart was responding to.  
>>>But I liked Tart's response.  Evidently he was choosing not to respond 
>>>directly to something Nabby said, and chose to go off on his own tangent.  
>>>One thing to point out.  This was something the great Master, MMY used to do 
>>>constantly.  It was one of his defining characteristics.  
>>>Would you care to comment on Tart's assertion that duality it ultimately a 
>>>mirage, and that the true reality is one of unity?  
>>You know I'm not the one to have dry intellectual discussions. Words don't 
>>mean anything but yes its unity and Unity doesn't exclude duality. In fact 
>>one in Unity is engaged with duality with much more fervor and intensity than 
>>one who has not, hence Lord Krishna is treated as a purna avatar( a complete 
>>or a perfect manifestation of Unity).
>>Buddhism is a great but arduous path, not for everyone, only for a few who 
>>have the great intellect combined with proper discrimination, say someone 
>>like Judy. Buddhism, unfortunately has become a great refuge of all the 
>>mentally masturbating, Western intellectuals because it gives a great 
>>satisfaction to the ego and nothing but pseudo spirituality.
>>God I'm itching to talk, I'm really going to go after these idiots..:-)
>>Or does he need follow some dialogue protocal before we can comment on that?
>>Sure there is no protocol but like Judy said he is being totally obnoxious, 
>>he should start a separate thread and may be add a paragraph referencing his 
>>opinions on people calling Vaj a liar.
>>>--- In, Ravi Yogi <raviyogi@...> wrote:
>>>> Steve, 
>>>> Judy is spot on - say you are an enlightened man and are confronting your 
>>>> child for lying and in walks a retarded tartbrain who says - hey you 
>>>> enlightened man, you shouldn't be confronting your child for lying because 
>>>> it's all love bliss, I bet you will smack tartbrain so hard that his 
>>>> intellectually aroused head will start fitting in his hat for a few days 
>>>> at least.
>>>> On Nov 5, 2011, at 8:21 PM, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@... wrote:
>>>> > 
>>>> > --- In, "authfriend" jstein@ wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > > --- In, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
>>>> > > > 
>>>> > > > --- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> 
>>>> > > > wrote:
>>>> > > > 
>>>> > > > > Vaj belives that if a lie is repeated often enough it becomes
>>>> > > > > a truth. Bless his "Buddhist" heart.
>>>> > > > 
>>>> > > > That is a wonderful insight. We repeat the lie of separation
>>>> > > > over and over again, over so many years. One day we wake up
>>>> > > > laughing, no longer seeing the lie. The lie is the pathway to
>>>> > > > truth, life is the
 deepest teacher. We repeatedly bang our
>>>> > > > head against the wall, but that cannot last. The wall banging
>>>> > > > comes to a stop. The lie cannot survive, it just takes some
>>>> > > > intense living of the lie for it to shrivel naturally from
>>>> > > > its own lack of foundation.
>>>> > > 
>>>> > > Non sequitur and whopping category error.
>>>> > > 
>>>> > > FAIL.
>>>> > >
>>>> > Wow, what a different take. I found Tart's statement to be the best of 
>>>> > the week. It describes the path from ignorance to realization. The lie 
>>>> > of seperation, the truth of unity. The lotus came up from the mud, so to 
>>>> > speak. I suppose Vaj will either back up his statement or choose to 
>>>> > ignore the direct contradictory testimony. But I'll take Tart's tagent. 
>>>> > Hey, that'd be a good name for a blog.
>>>> > 
>>>> >
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