--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Dec 12, 2011, at 10:25 AM, sparaig wrote:
> > Eh, as I said, I have a friend who is reasonably accomplished as a  
> > Vedic/Hindu scholar, who considers MMY to be the "real deal." YMMV  
> > of course.
> You should send him a copy of David Wants to Fly. :-)
> And while your at it, you should also try to get a copy of the recent  
> interview with SBS's successor. He's very clear: the person who  
> created the recent problems re: Jyotir Math and who sowed the seeds  
> of dissension there were none other than Mahesh Varma.

The current successor wasn't even at the ashram when SBS died, He was studying 
with another guru.

> What it boils down to in your friends case is true believers will  
> believe anything. They're not actually interested in scholarship, but  
> only what supports their acquired illusions.



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