--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis" <reavismarek@...> wrote:
> Love the video, Turq. Kindness and compassion rule.

I would have liked it better if it hadn't come back
to the original kindness-giver at the end. While karma
may, in fact, work that way, I suspect that random acts
of kindness are more effective if you expect nothing
in return.

> I'm sure we are all experiencing different variations 
> of the holiday season, but wishing all the good stuff 
> to you and the whole crew of FFL.

And to you, sir. Deck your surfboard with boughs of
holly, and all that. :-)

Here in the Netherlands we actually have two Christmases.
The first -- Sinterklas -- is celebrated on St. Nick's
ostensible birthday, earlier in December. But then they
celebrate again on December 25th. This year we planned
ahead and ordered a turkey ahead of time, so we'll have
one this year. Last year we expected to be able to find
them in stores and belatedly realized that the Dutch 
just don't do turkey. 

No snow yet, but there was a little sleet yesterday, so
anything is possible. Last year this time, just having
moved here, we were under two feet of snow. 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Occasionally I poke fun at those who have invested
> > heavily in butt-bouncing for world peace, *not* 
> > because I wouldn't like to see a nicer world, but
> > because I don't believe in the basic premise of the 
> > "ME." It seems based on Maharishi's prescription
> > for lazy living, "Do less and accomplish more; do
> > nothing and accomplish everything."
> > 
> > Color me unconvinced that doing nothing has ever
> > accomplished anything. Everything starts with action,
> > even if it's as simple as helping someone up. Karuna
> > (kindness) spreads from actually *doing* something. 
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU
> >

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