It goes deeper than that. When I first joined FFL about 5 or 6 years ago, you 
never spoke about TM as someone who had even done it. Your big thing at the 
time was promoting Buddhist practices. It is much more recent, about the last 
two years, that you have tried to convince people that you practiced and taught 

To the extent that you claim these things, I don't care, but when you use these 
false credentials to bolster the things you say regarding TM and Maharishi, 
that is dirty pool and you know it. 

Why have you stopped talking about your experiences of Buddhist practices? 
These are recent, and no doubt far more interesting.  

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
> > In my short time on this forum, I have never felt Vaj was a TM  
> > meditator, so perhaps I have missed something. I agree that he  
> > makes valid points worth thinking about. I am not familiar with  
> > what must be the material Barry refers to in thinking Vaj is a TM  
> > meditator, or at least has been close to some of them. Making a  
> > valid point does not mean one has to be in the specific context of  
> > a person you are arguing with.
> You have to understand, from my POV, TM is passe. At a certain point,  
> I stopped relating to it as a valid practice in terms of where I was  
> at. So in order to relate to it at all, it meant I had to re-inhabit  
> that old discarded mindset. I got to a point where I didn't enjoy,  
> nor did I find it valuable to be putting my consciousness, my new  
> wine, in that old skin anymore.

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