--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptybill@...> wrote:
> How about something more than just another one of your unsubstantiated
> claims?
> Where did you learn TM/TMSP?
> What were the dates and places of initiation?
> Who were your TM/TMSP course teachers?
> You should take these questions seriously.
> You are perilously close to being branded on FFL as a bold-face liar.


As a sometimes-mostly-lurker here, I want to thank you for bringing out the BIG 
GUNS! You've just upped the entertainment value significantly for me. :-)

By way of (re-?)introduction, I'd like to play along ...

> Where did you learn TM/TMSP?

Reading, PA / the Academy in the Catskills.

> What were the dates and places of initiation?

Wow. Who'd even wanna bother remembering those tedious details?! But I'll give 
it my best shot:

Reading, PA, October, 1970. Bonus points: Initiator was David Katz, late of 
cheesecake-production fame. More bonus points: I once attended a Charlie Lutes 

1st advanced technique: Philadelphia, PA, ca. 1972. Bonus points: Initiator was 
that nasty lady who was, I think, the only one who was handing out techniques 
at that time.

> Who were your TM/TMSP course teachers?

Eesh. Apparently GMO-brain has settled in. Lemme probe ...

SCI Course: Orono, ME, ca. 1971. Teachers? No idea.

T.T. part one: Catskills Academy, ca. 1974. Teachers were some nice guy whose 
name I totally forget and some nice gal named Jean(ne). And I'm pretty sure 
that Rick was some sort of assistant teacher at that one.

[Hiya Rick! :-) :-) :-) I'm the guy whom that nice guy whose name I totally 
forget described as "one who speaks in aphorisms". I'm sure you recall. Heh.]

T.T. part two: Biarritz, France, ca. 1976. No recollection of teachers' names, 
though I could still recite the mantras list for ya if ya like.

Sidhis/Governors course: Catskills Academy, ca. 1978. Don't recall any 
teachers' names. Never hopped, either. Poo.

(I could also provide a scan of my now-useless Governor of the Age of 
Enlightenment card if I were actually interested in proving anything to anyone.)

Now to my questions ...

> You should take these questions seriously.
> You are perilously close to being branded on FFL as a bold-face liar.

This has me intrigued. I'm not familiar with the branding process on this 
forum. Is it done by popular vote, or simply by unilateral decree? If the 
former, how much participation here would qualify one to vote?

Thanks in advance, and, as always, JGD!

p.s. People, please trim your posts. Seriously.

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