--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Stumbled upon a couple of citations today from one of Judy's ole
> nemesises (nemesi?) from a.m.t., and thought a few folks might be
> interested. He seems to be still going strong and still winning major
> awards, while Judy is still writing to a handful of people on the
> Internet and believing that she's "winning" every squabble. Gives new
> meaning to the old phrase, "Living well is the best revenge." Dude even
> looks pretty happy and (dare I say it) photogenic:

Don't confuse me for a Judy defender, but I'm not seeing anything in this 
Wikepedia article more recent than 2003.

As for photogenic, I think Judy's FFL photo shows an attractive older women, 
who actually looks quite younger than her biological age. (I don't know when 
photo was taken of course) YM may of course, vary.

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