--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> As for photogenic, I think Judy's FFL photo shows an attractive
> older women, who actually looks quite younger than her biological
> age. (I don't know when photo was taken of course) YM may of
> course, vary.

Thank you, Steve. It was taken a day or two before I uploaded
it in August 2007. I really am unphotogenic in snapshots, for
some reason, so I tried taking my own picture with a Webcam.
I had to take shot after shot until I got one that I thought
looked like me.

When summer comes, I'll take another one (summer because the
light comes in the window then at a good angle for the
Webcam). I'll upload that one and leave the old one up for
awhile so Barry can comment on how dreadfully I've aged in
five years. ;-)

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