--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Gives new meaning to the old phrase, "Living well is the
> > > best revenge."
> > 
> > Yes, since his alt.m.t stint, Andrew's career has been 
> > driven by the sole desire to rehabilitate his image and
> > take revenge on me. If I and several other folks on
> > alt.m.t--Lawson in particular--hadn't gone to the
> > trouble to document what a horrible person he was, he
> > might never have been motivated to rise above that
> > humiliation and make something of himself. ;-)
> I have to comment on this because it's one of the 
> most insane statements I've ever heard. The very
> *idea* that a couple of fanatical crackpots on a 
> little-read Usenet forum could damage the career
> of a prize-winning journalist is ludicrous, and
> indicates that the crackpot who believes it is 
> seriously suffering from Narcissistic Personality
> Disorder.

Anybody think Barry is giving me a "lesson in irony"
here, as he claimed in a post an hour later?

He isn't. He really thought I meant what I wrote.
What follows proves it:

> On the other hand, I corresponded with Andrew for
> a time after he left a.m.t., and he told me of one
> attempt that *was* made to damage his career. Some-
> one gathered up a collection of the posts that he
> had made to a.m.t. and sent it to his editors at 
> the Journal of the American Medical Association,
> citing them as an indication that he had gone off
> the rails and that he should be fired. The JAMA
> editors laughed it off, of course, and nothing
> ever became of it. But in our correspondence,
> Andrew made it very clear that he suspected 
> that Judy was the one who had done this. Given
> the other "usual suspects" on that forum at the
> time, I agreed with him.

Barry's made this accusation before. I'll simply note
again that Andrew's suspicion was entirely unfounded,
although typical of his paranoia and hatred. That kind
of underhanded maneuver is not at all my style.

It is, however, very much *Barry's* style. I wouldn't
be the least bit surprised to find that Barry himself
was the lowlife scum who tried to get Andrew fired.

Despite his rapprochement with Andrew later on, for
quite some time on alt.m.t they loathed each other and
had a number of pitched battles, most of which Andrew
won on points. During that period, Barry had at least
as much reason to wish Andrew ill as any of the TMers,
and probably the least inhibition of anyone about
actually *doing* him ill. And he certainly would have
no problem at all claiming I had dunnit when it had
actually been himself.

Oh, my, the embarrassing quotes I could pull from
alt.m.t, including denunciations by Barry of Andrew's
journalistic ethics, and his attempt to pull a fast
one with a satire of Andrew he'd written that Andrew
quickly exposed. It's tempting, but I'll resist. ;-)

> Given Judy's insane attempt above to take credit 
> for his career needing "rehabilitation," perhaps 
> we can see this rant as an admission on her part
> that she was indeed the culprit.

It's hard to believe Barry is so stupid as to (1) not
have realized I was making fun of him, and (2) try to
portray my post as an admission of something I've
already flatly denied. (Also note his attempt to
characterize the paragraph quoted at the top as a

And the stupidity gets even worse in his follow-up
post, after he'd realized his first mistake, where
he maneuvers furiously to try to spin his reaction
to the quote at the top as a "lesson in irony."
Did he really think anybody would believe him? 

Doesn't he have *any* friends on FFL who can persuade
him to get himself checked out by a mental health
professional? Are they just going to let him continue
his slide into insanity?

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