--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Why?
> Because, from the start, the hierarchical structure was so obvious.
> I wasn't an initiator for starters, so right there, I knew I wasn't an 
> insider.
> Then when I got to be an initiator, by then, I knew that Jerry Jarvis et alia 
> were in a whole 'nother class of folks -- they had access.
> And also, I saw a parade of rich folks getting access -- there's one incident 
> that still burns in my mind:  a rich person came to our Majorca course and 
> sat next to Maharishi and held his hand while being interviewed.  HELD HIS 
> HAND!  Up to that time, I'd only heard that Maharishi had done that ONCE 
> while walking with Tat Wala Baba.  Yet a rich guy had not even been informed 
> (warned) about movement protocols such that he showed such outrageous 
> familiarity.
> And then there was the course office goons who made it their thing to put 
> everyone in their place.
> Nah, I never was "important" to the movement even after 2,000 people 
> taught.....my reward:  they took away my five thousand dollars worth of 
> earned credits towards ATR and advanced techniques. 

Poor Edg really got the shaft, well....your reward will be in heaven! ;-)

PS I can relate...
> And then after moving to Fairfield, MSAE turns out to be run by the rich 
> parents.  
> And then the raja thingie pretty much topped it all off.
> Note:  even Jerry was kicked out of the movement.
> Nope. Not a one of us was ever really in a movement at all -- not when the 
> movement always saw one as expendable.  
> Yet I tried to belong for 29 years.  I never once got to do anything but look 
> up the noses looking down at me.  
> Edg

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