--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Where I am coming from, where I just spend the last 3 month, buses
> > > have sign-boards saying: Nagarjuna, there is a popular cement brand
> > > called Nagarjuna as well, I used to have philosophical discussions
> with
> > > my friend, walking on the street, when a bus, having a huge sign
> > '> Nagarjuna' was just passing by. I think people there don't know
> much
> > > about him, as there are hardly any Buddhists in the population, but
> > > about 400 kms north there is this place 'Nagarjunakonda' where
> Nagarjuna
> > > spent most of his life in the forests.
> > > 
> <http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&client=ubuntu&sa=N&channel=fs&b\
> iw=1167&bih=568&tbm=isch&tbnid=Jp7JTUT2JIWOoM:&imgrefurl=http://www.face\
> book.com/people/Nagarjuna-Cement/100001705356588&docid=qPQP7XhwlE5KJM&im\
> gurl=http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/41633_100001705356588_\
> 4896_n.jpg&w=133&h=149&ei=aD7bT_ziD8zN4QSD3MDWCg&zoom=1> 
> <http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&client=ubuntu&sa=N&channel=fs&b\
> iw=1167&bih=568&tbm=isch&tbnid=vEMtZOkOFVZsfM:&imgrefurl=http://www.prot\
> ocolindia.com/clients_cement.html&docid=xREOKCJtMjfaYM&imgurl=http://www\
> .protocolindia.com/client_logo/Nagarjuna-Cement.jpg&w=150&h=100&ei=aD7bT\
> _ziD8zN4QSD3MDWCg&zoom=1>
> As I've mentioned before, in the days shortly after I walked away from
> the TMO, I shared an apartment with a fellow who went off to TTC in
> India. When he returned he brought me a gift -- a bottle of Guru brand
> beer. I kept it for many years, although I never tasted it because he
> told
> me it was really, really, really bad.
> I always loved the idea, and used to bring it out at parties and
> entertain
> with a comedy routine based on what its *advertising campaign" must
> have been like. Can't you imagine it? A bunch of way holy holy men
> trudge up the hill to their caves in the evening, after a day of working
> with their disciples down in the town below. They strip off the tops of
> their dhotis and sit around in their undershirts, complaining for a few
> minutes about the long, hard grind of their "work day." But then some-
> one brings out a six-pack of Guru. They pass the bottles around, pop the
> tops off of them, and take a sip, and the heavy karmas of the day just
> fade away, as they raise their bottles and toast each other, saying,
> "Man, that's a Guru!"  :-)
>   [http://www.indiaoverland.biz/forum-img/guru.jpg]
> http://www.indiaoverland.biz/forum-img/guru.jpg
> <http://www.indiaoverland.biz/forum-img/guru.jpg>

Yes, great story. That's very much like India, the profane and the 'holy' are 
very often close together. Don't forget Durga Wines. At school walls you find 
paintings of celebrities like Buddha and Che Chevara, together with other 
saints and social reformers.

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