--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> [...]
> > 
> > Point being, whatever MMY actually thought, he never
> > gave Robin any reason to believe MMY didn't support him
> > fully--until the MIU court case and the recorded
> > affidavit.
> >
> The story I heard was that there was a lot of stuff going on that Robin 
> doesn't mention, such as Robin's followers buzzing the Domes with a 
> helicopter, dropping leaflets, and riding a jeep over the flowerbeds in order 
> to track people down and confront them.
> This lead to a lawsuit where Robin was banned from setting foot on the MIU 
> campus.
> I assume the counter lawsuit is the one he talks about.
> L.
Robin Carlson was on some kind of 'Ego Trip' back then...
I didn't know how destructive he was at first, but later when he really went of 
the 'Deep End' it was a very bad scene...
He was sueing Maharishi in Court; not sure what it was about; 
All I know is, a short time after this action, the Court tried to serve 
Maharishi with Court Papers, and Lenny Goldberg, a M.I.U. attorney got them to 
turn back...

Why oh why would someone want to cause harm to Maharishi?
What did Maharishi do to him..

Maybe he as so jealous that he didn't have that kind of following...

I remember someone saying something about following leaders, especially a 
person that 'Curses an Enlightened Sage'...very aweful and ugly, to say the 


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