--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > ... I was genuinely curious, seeing there were so many 
> > gaps in my mind. I wasn't making a dig at Ann. I wasn't 
> > thinking indirectly about a dig at Robin either. In fact, 
> > I can't even remember the motivation for writing the post 
> > we are discussing here. I am going to have to reread it. 
> Continuing my ongoing raps on the theme of "Everything
> you need to know about Fairfield Life you can learn from
> Yahoo's Message View" :-), I suggest that you don't have
> to reread anything. You gained the same impression that
> many others did, that so far Ann's presence here pretty
> much revolves around her perception that FFL delivers up
> Robin to her as a captive audience.
> He's never responded to anything she writes, nor even
> acknowledged her existence. Yet she's still on the "Robin
> was and still is brilliant" bandwagon. Call me crazy, but
> I think the best commentary on this so far was someone's
> comparison of her to Squeaky Fromme. 'Nuff said.
> > You make up this stuff in your mind. The mind manufactures 
> > fictions. This is the enlightenment trip, to see through 
> > those fictions. 
> You presume that folks here actually have a real interest
> in enlightenment. If FFL has done anything for me over the
> years of my participation here, it has dissuaded me of
> this notion. Nothing dies a faster death here than *actual*
> discussions of enlightenment and its many mysteries. They
> are derailed quickly into digs at the person who attempts
> to ponder those mysteries *from their POV*, attempting to
> denigrate that POV and the person who holds it, and ignor-
> ing the larger issue of enlightenment completely. 
> Often (and the subject of this rap), such derailments seem
> to not even be aimed at the person they are presumably 
> written to. In many cases, the derailer is "writing to"
> someone who has made it crystal clear that he or she wants
> nothing to do with the derailer, and in many cases doesn't
> even bother to read what they write. They have been, in
> as real a sense as in the romantic one, been "dumped."
> And, just as one finds in bars full of sad men and women
> desperate for someone -- anyone -- who will sit there and
> listen to them drone on endlessly about the person who
> dumped them and what horrible, nasty, inexcusably 
> inexcusable people the act of dumpage makes them. In bars, 
> you could deal with such people the same way people do in
> real life -- get up and move to the other side of the bar
> and leave them ranting to themselves. 
> Here, you can't. They can continue to rant, often pretending
> that they are *still writing directly to the person who has
> made it clear they aren't reading a word of it*. (Or, as in
> my case, only the first 10 words or so shown in Message View.)
> Few call them on this. WHY? Because IMO *they're* the ones
> reading it, and in fact *they're* the ones being written to.
> It's all part of a phenomenon we discussed briefly earlier,
> trying to form what you call "associations" with other 
> people, what I call cliques. 
> On one level, I think that people on Internet forums who 
> continue to rant angrily at people who have dumped them 
> (or defend and praise them just as embarrassingly) are in 
> the same ballpark as stalkers who stand outside the apart-
> ments of men or women who have dumped them romantically and 
> scream at their closed, double-paned-for-soundproofing-purposes 
> windows. The ranting is *not* for the purpose of communication; 
> it's a way of either venting their own line-on-stone anger 
> at the person who has dumped them or a way of (in their 
> minds) trying to "get them back." 
> Because the dumper is not paying any attention to the some-
> what deranged dumpee, and thus refusing to become a "captive
> audience" for those they've dumped, the dumpees settle for 
> the "next best thing." That is, the same thing that the 
> drunks in the bars settle for if they can get it. Someone
> -- anyone -- who will listen to them rant endlessly about 
> the horrible dumper and then hopefully either pile on to 
> ragging about them or, at the very least, respond with an 
> occasional "Uh huh" or "Whatever you say," which the raging 
> dumpee interprets as meaning "You go, girl" or "You rock, man." 
> Meanwhile I'm over here in another corner of the bar,
> wondering why others are still sitting there listening to
> someone drunk on attachment carrying on endlessly about it.

No you aren't, you're the silly nit who thinks that a woman who chooses to 
climb on your lap at this bar is actually enthralled with your conversation and 
is longing for you to caress her ass. 

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