Yeah, the whole comparison to Squeaky Fromme is an incredibly hostile and 
demeaning and horrible thing to say, really.  So is everything else he said 
targeted at Ann.  Simply despicable and misogynistic.  Yuk.  Barry, you owe Ann 
and apology.  I wouldn't trust that man to "have my back" for any reason, ever. 

 From: authfriend <>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 12:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Who is it they're writing to?

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> You gained the same impression that
> many others did, that so far Ann's presence here pretty
> much revolves around her perception that FFL delivers up
> Robin to her as a captive audience.

Just out of curiosity, how many here have gained this
impression about Ann? Barry says "many others," so one
has to assume there are at least three of you besides

And if I may, what suggested to you that Ann perceives
FFL to "deliver up Robin to her as a captive audience"?
If this were the case, why would she have stuck around
for three months *after Robin had left*?

> He's never responded to anything she writes, nor even
> acknowledged her existence. Yet she's still on the "Robin
> was and still is brilliant" bandwagon. Call me crazy, but
> I think the best commentary on this so far was someone's
> comparison of her to Squeaky Fromme. 'Nuff said.

'Nuff said indeed. This is possibly the most fucked-up
remark ever from Barry. The person who made this
comparison was Bhairitu, but he was *joking* (if it's
possible to joke about Fromme).

> Often (and the subject of this rap), such derailments seem
> to not even be aimed at the person they are presumably 
> written to. In many cases, the derailer is "writing to"
> someone who has made it crystal clear that he or she wants
> nothing to do with the derailer, and in many cases doesn't
> even bother to read what they write. They have been, in
> as real a sense as in the romantic one, been "dumped."

Another fantastic mental invention of Barry's. I think
we have to conclude that the constant criticism directed
at him has finally unhinged his mind.

What follows is raving, pure and simple. It's completely
detached from reality.

> And, just as one finds in bars full of sad men and women
> desperate for someone -- anyone -- who will sit there and
> listen to them drone on endlessly about the person who
> dumped them and what horrible, nasty, inexcusably 
> inexcusable people the act of dumpage makes them. In bars, 
> you could deal with such people the same way people do in
> real life -- get up and move to the other side of the bar
> and leave them ranting to themselves. 
> Here, you can't. They can continue to rant, often pretending
> that they are *still writing directly to the person who has
> made it clear they aren't reading a word of it*. (Or, as in
> my case, only the first 10 words or so shown in Message View.)
> Few call them on this. WHY? Because IMO *they're* the ones
> reading it, and in fact *they're* the ones being written to.
> It's all part of a phenomenon we discussed briefly earlier,
> trying to form what you call "associations" with other 
> people, what I call cliques. 
> On one level, I think that people on Internet forums who 
> continue to rant angrily at people who have dumped them 
> (or defend and praise them just as embarrassingly) are in 
> the same ballpark as stalkers who stand outside the apart-
> ments of men or women who have dumped them romantically and 
> scream at their closed, double-paned-for-soundproofing-purposes 
> windows. The ranting is *not* for the purpose of communication; 
> it's a way of either venting their own line-on-stone anger 
> at the person who has dumped them or a way of (in their 
> minds) trying to "get them back." 
> Because the dumper is not paying any attention to the some-
> what deranged dumpee, and thus refusing to become a "captive
> audience" for those they've dumped, the dumpees settle for 
> the "next best thing." That is, the same thing that the 
> drunks in the bars settle for if they can get it. Someone
> -- anyone -- who will listen to them rant endlessly about 
> the horrible dumper and then hopefully either pile on to 
> ragging about them or, at the very least, respond with an 
> occasional "Uh huh" or "Whatever you say," which the raging 
> dumpee interprets as meaning "You go, girl" or "You rock, man." 
> Meanwhile I'm over here in another corner of the bar,
> wondering why others are still sitting there listening to
> someone drunk on attachment carrying on endlessly about it.


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