--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > > Ann's first post was on January 15, 2012 #301897.
> > > She was responding to a post by Robin wherein he was 
> > > responding to Vaj. She said she was present at the time 
> > > Vaj said he was with Robin and disputed Vaj's claim.
> Which, it should be pointed out, Robin shortly
> thereafter admitted to be true. He did, in fact,
> physically strike his students, although he 
> still claimed it was a gentle push.
> He then switched to claiming that Vaj had never
> been present at any of his talks, and thus was
> (wait for it...you've never heard this before)
> a LIAR.
> Which has again subsequently been disproved, by
> someone who confirmed that not only was Vaj present,
> but that one of the people Robin struck said that "he 
> thought his jaw might have been broken by the force 
> of the blow." 
> > I must have seen this post, but had no exact recollection 
> > of it. The post you mentioned, I never had read. I have 
> > read it now. Ann was responding to Susan, who was 
> > apologising, as Susan thought Ann had come onto FFL at 
> > Robin's instigation, which Ann denied, but Ann certainly 
> > seemed to come on to FFL as a result of Robin's now 
> > posting on FFL. This is what I remembered, rather 
> > imperfectly. However in this post you dug up Ann does 
> > say she had no agenda. 
> It is also worth pointing out that, now that Vaj's
> credibility as someone who was actually there has
> been verified by someone else who was there, Ann
> has been in touch via email with many other people
> from the former hierarchy of Robin's cult whom Vaj 
> might have known in the past, revealing how to get
> in touch with him. They have now been hounding him 
> trying to get him to talk on the telephone with them. 
> As Vaj commented to me, "Thanks, Ann...not."

Your friend Vaj has been lying to you or you are purposefully skewing the truth 
Mr Wright. I have never given anyone Vaj's personal contact information. Anyone 
who has been in touch with Mr Vaj is either a family member or Lord Knows. All 
of whom knew how to contact him anyway. So this I can tell you, is an out and 
out lie by Vaj and by yourself. Now who has the agenda?
> No agenda here. Nope. 
> Robin, by the grace of God,
> will you manifest the essence of the heart of Robin Woodsworth Carlsen
> Through the nervous system of creation,
> Through the nervous system,
> Through my nervous system
> Through me,
> Through my heart.
> - a "sutra" from the Technique for the Discovery of Grace 
> which extends the TM-Sidhi programme
> I guess we now know what practicing this "sutra"
> does for a person, and for how long.

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