--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@...> wrote:

> The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account is of course a 
> special field of investigation. But, even were I totally skeptical, I would, 
> in going through all what is said in this article, find my skepticism 
> significantly challenged.

Come on Robin, the sources for these outlandish claims are not even given.  It 
doesn't rise to even the level of the proven to be unreliable eyewitness 
accounts.  This is at best hearsay through the distortion filter of many years 
and an obvious agenda to promote a cause.  This is the telephone game played 
through centuries.  You can't make any realistic distinction between these 
claims and sightings of aliens or bigfoot.

These are stories, told by people with a purpose to inspire others that their 
internal experience was extraordinary just as Maharishi did with his flying 
promises.  They may never have been meant to be taken literally, but if they 
were. there is no good reason to take these claims seriously.  Or if we do just 
accept any old claim we have to include all the nonsense people have claimed to 
have witnessed. 

Oh hell, I should have just left it to the 16 words I haven't helped this cause 
at all! 

But if you have a case to make that I have missed some good reason to take 
these claims seriously I would be happy to read it. Start with how you build 
credibility for an unknown source. 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.miraclesofthesaints.com/2010/10/levitation-and-ecstatic-flights-in.html
> > >
> > 
> > It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
> > the invention of cinema.
> RESPONSE: No, "they seem to have stopped" because they stopped. God--or the 
> supernatural grace which precipitated this miracles--said: Fuck it! I've had 
> it. I'm going to change up the game.
> And ever since then (just before our lifetime) there ain't no miracles (or if 
> there are, they are not being done through the agency which determined the 
> miracles in this article).
> I think if cinema had been around in the 13th to 16th centuries in 
> particular, the Holy Ghost might have permitted there to be a few miracles 
> filmed. But maybe not. It might have destroyed the meritorious value of 
> faith. "Show me the nail marks, Jesus, baby--that is, if you really 
> resurrected."
> The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account is of course a 
> special field of investigation. But, even were I totally skeptical, I would, 
> in going through all what is said in this article, find my skepticism 
> significantly challenged.
> I suspect that it what happened to you--when you began reading.
> No, the present ontological context of the universe would make Saint Francis 
> of Assisi probably an honest existentialist (of the atheistic variety).
> No one will levitate or fly in my lifetime. This seems certain to me, because 
> I sense zero miracle potential in the universe.
> But when I read these accounts *it is a very different metaphysic* I 
> encounter. A metaphysic which simply does not exist and therefore would seem 
> never to have existed.
> I think your reaction a normal and healthy one.

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