--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <lurkernomore20002000@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > > > I can't believe they resurrected this old routine.  Not
> > > > so easy to spin if we look at Sal's exact words:
> Sal's exact words:
> "Well, yeah. Or any of a variety of other things that
> don't sound like she's expecting a bunch of 8-year olds
> to show up. First time I can recall such a pathetic,
> juvenile inducement to come somewhere. Only in this town."
> > > Wow  Curtis,  I was too lazy to look it up.  I guess that
> > > is what Judy was counting on.  Trouble is, she gambled and
> > > she lost.  Cuz I had back up!
> > 
> > M: I can't imagine what they though would be different from
> > the last time they went down this road.  The facts speak for
> > themselves so to see the spin machine at work is so revealing.
> Curtis is angling for Barry's Master of Inadvertent
> Irony title.
> Oh, wait, no, he isn't. This malicious dishonesty was
> entirely deliberate, not inadvertent.
> Poor Steve's head must be spinning.
> > And how about that Robin hitting send AFTER he read it?  I
> > guess this shouted sentence is now one of the comedic phrases
> > of the year:
> > 
> > Robin:
> > 
> > <I cannot escape is my responsibility for THE TRUTH THAT HAS AN EXISTENCE 
> > 
> > Turns out he can!  Pretty easily too.
> Robin added a footnote (of which Curtis omits mention here)
> taking account of what Robin graciously (but erroneously)
> referred to as Curtis's "conscientiously" providing the
> posts in question.
> Obviously Robin didn't know when he added the footnote that
> Curtis had once again resorted to gross dishonesty. Curtis
> knew it, of course, while he was mocking Robin above.


RESPONSE: Finally, someone has said something significant. We shall all think 
upon this, authfriend, as it does warrant our attention. Perhaps Curtis is 
secretly wishing to give those he opposes so vehemently the satisfaction of 
knowing they were right. Curtis is a postmodern martyr, and the sophistication 
of his selfsacrifice takes the measure of all of us. 

We know what this whole drama of the universe is all about from this question 
you have posed to us, authfriend. Curtis wishes us to give proof of his 
dishonesty by allowing us to have it revealed to us in all that he does. He 
cannot really be intrinsically dishonest--since his tracking of the truth 
always surprises, even amazes me. Curtis misrepresents the truth because of his 
innocent contact with it. He therefore appears as the most subtle exemplar of 
false feeling, false motive, false intention, false character--but only in 
order for us to experience the opposite of this by his example. 

I believe Curtis to be a genuine holy man.

But still, the question you confront us with here, Judy, stays with us. I 
believe, however, I have at least partially answered it: Curtis agreed to play 
this part. Once he believes we have benefited from his testing us and 
challenging us with his beautifully corrupted character, he will drop the 
disguise, and we will see he is, as I once thought he was, a Saint.
Think about this, authfriend. I judge Curtis ultimately much more than a good 
guy. Would you be willing to martyr yourself in this fashion? As far as I know, 
no one else has. His self-oblation is a first. And I for one love him for this. 
He is very near to God, as you must by now know.

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