On 12/01/2012 03:51 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
>> But what is your point ?
> If a number of people that were in the movement recall MMY has having said 
> something, there is a possibility that might be something he actually said. 
> MMY said a lot of unusual things that people have heard. How many of these 
> things were recorded is another matter.
> Since I have not heard MMY or a tape thereof of MMY talking about Hitler, it 
> is surmise, but it seems possible he might have admired Hitler's 
> organisational skill in unifying Germany. As for rumours, how do you verify a 
> rumour, when the source material that might settle the matter is not under 
> your control? From my perspective, MMY liking something about Hitler seems 
> possible. It is an hypothesis.
> If you don't like the idea, and have no evidence to the contrary, you just 
> cannot know whether he said it or not, so you cannot then say it is true, or 
> false.

I have to "recall" these things because I *can't* go to YouTube and dig 
up a video.  It was the 1970s for chrissakes!  We have to do this by 
memory.  I do have some old books around here but I'm busy right now and 
am not going to drop everything to find stuff for nabby.   I know back 
then whether it was a discussion in my SCI class or maybe even later in 
a teacher's meeting with Charlie Lutes.  And I'm sure there was a tape 
and when he said it there was sort of pindrop sound in the room. I do 
know that Maharishi took flack for admiring Hitler because there was a 
lot of support from the Jewish community and such admiration it was felt 
would compromise that.  One thing he mentioned was how Hitler was 
responsible for the Autobahn.   Of course Maharishi also admired L Ron 
Hubbard but more of our aging senior citizen TM teachers seem to 
remember that one.

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