On 12/02/2012 11:12 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 12/02/2012 09:28 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
>>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
>>>> <anartaxius@> wrote:
>>>>> If you don't like the idea, and have no evidence to the contrary, you 
>>>>> just cannot know whether he said it or not, so you cannot then say it is 
>>>>> true, or false.
>>>> Now listen; I lived with Germans and in Germany for decades, with Germans 
>>>> that was with Maharishi from the 60's to his death, many of whom are from 
>>>> highranking nazi families. I know Count Blucher. Never once did they brag 
>>>> about Maharishi being sypathetic to Hitler. Don't you find that a little 
>>>> puzzeling to say the least ?
>>>> Sorry mate, you're amongst the ones putting out rumours therefore you're 
>>>> the one who is supposed to cough up the evidence in this smearing. I 
>>>> thought you were into law, where did you get your degree anyway ?
>>> I was told that since World War II, German education has rather put a 
>>> damper on praise of Hitler. I was told that some time ago by a governor, 
>>> who I believe is still very active in the movement. Because we do not have 
>>> access to the tape library, and have to rely only on either rumour, or gut 
>>> feeling, neither one of us can come to a truthful conclusion, though some 
>>> others here might have some recollections of what MMY said. I certainly do 
>>> not think MMY would have been sympathetic to what Hitler *ultimately* did. 
>>> But Hitler envisioned vast architecturally designed cities kind of like 
>>> MMY. He was an effective orator, and he got Germany back on its feet. What 
>>> ultimately happened though was a disaster for Germany. But a lot of 
>>> positive things came out of the impetus of Hitler in attempting to conquer 
>>> Europe, such as jet aircraft, and the space program. The world is not black 
>>> and white, it is all connected in sometimes strange and sometimes 
>>> disturbing ways. Maharishi, if he did have good words for Hitler, would 
>>> have praised Hitler's positive qualities, not the one's that doomed him and 
>>> his German people.
>> Like I said, I'm sure I'm not the only one who recalls the brouhaha over
>> this.  I recalled further last night that it had something to do with a
>> list of "great men" that Maharishi had compiled and it included Hitler.
> Wonderful, looking forward to see that original list. Make sure it's a real 
> one, not something that "might have been" for which you are about to become 
> famous here.
>   And if I find a TMO publication with it
>> I'll scan it in and post it but I'm sure that the TMO would demand a
>> take down.
> Don't worry about that, just produce the list or have your name tarnished for 
> slander. Oh I forgot, it already is.

Line on water, Nabby, line on water.

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