Is this woman, superwoman?  From all the fantastic abilities which are
attributed to her, she must be.  I mean Judy saves one of her few
remaining posts to zing her.  Ravi devotes a good part his posts to
comment about her. She certainly has gotten Emily's attention.

I mean here she arrives from Batgap with her bonnet and suitcase and
soon after the place goes gaga about her.

I don't know if this is exactly appropiate, but I always liked it.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula
<chivukula.ravi@...> wrote:
> Share is struggling to survive - there are lot of threats to her well
> - people, online cults, groups wanting to prey, pile on an pure,
> innocent woman like her. She's the victim here. She has to be strong,
> can be trusted else she will be exposed, she will be hurt, harmed -
she has
> put up a brave face, come up with strong, fancy, clever pushbacks,
> putdowns, comebacks against these devious, cunning people (however
lame and
> stupid they may come across to normal people like us).
> I have lived with a person with the same psychological profile. No
> how much I said I loved this person, that I would never harm, that I
> always protect - it was not enough, it was ultimately useless, I was
> totally defeated in my intentions - I had to ultimately choose my
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 2:24 PM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > Definitive, Emily.
> >
> > I would only mention in addition the continuous stream of
> > falsehoods and disingenuities, including the thoroughly
> > insincere "ha ha's" and "dears" and smiley faces attached
> > to the mean cracks. There isn't an authentic bone in this
> > woman's body--or at least in the persona she presents to
> > us on FFL.
> >
> > Share Snow Job.
> >
> > --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear Share - you have missed the point entirely and are again
> > your righteousness in assigning those you don't like to a cult.
> > you believe this. Â I reject this concept completely, just so
you know, and
> > want to inform you that your black and white, polarized thinking is
> > doing you any service. Â You are seemingly in unbelievable
denial about
> > your own self, despite all this meditation and healing you do, and
> > opinion is that you subconsciously use it *to* avoid yourself and
> > your false self and attitude of self-righteousness so you never have
to get
> > real with anyone.
> > >
> > > You may take this conclusion from me as what I think sincerely at
> > point in time. Â You routinely exercise a mean streak. Â
*You* don't have
> > the cojones to admit or defend or discuss anything you post - you
> > launch one attack after another. Â I'm guessing you do see
yourself as a
> > savior, don't you - the "butter bouncer" in this latest scenario.
> > >
> > > So far, we've had "psychological rape", "vile accusations" "wts",
> > high school with the penguins," numerous suggestions, put-downs,
> > name-calling, and judgments, your promise to pray for us, your
> > "complete" healing on us all, your doing everything possible to
> > having a discussion about anything with anybody who might challenge
> > (which btw is everyone on this forum), and your constant acting out
of your
> > vision of yourself as a victim of those you've identified as your
> > "enemies." Â I'm too exhausted to continue. Â
> > >
> > > If you had any ability to both take it and give it, I might
forgive this
> > and commend you on your creative use of the term "butter." Â
> > I sincerely believe you actually believe all this and the undertones
> > intuitively mean. Â If I respond with humor, you'll call me
"creepy" right?
> > Â Â
> > >
> > > Why are you here, Share? Â What do you get out of this
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ________________________________
> > > From: Share Long sharelong60@
> >
> > > To: ""
> > > Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:34 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] bye bye wts hello dear Buttery Ones
> > >
> > >
> > > Â
> > > Concerned about lack of blood flow in Judy and Emily due to
> > knickers over my usage of wts, I will instead use Buttery Ones to
> > a grouping of certain FFL posters:
> > > Robin depending if he ironic or not is Melted Butter or Cultured
> > > Judy depending if she is vitriolic or not is Churned Butter or
> > Butter
> > > Raunchy depending if she is nasty or not is Rancid Butter or Goat
> > Butter
> > > Ann depending is she's at her stores or with her horses is Waffle
> > or Organic Butter
> > >
> > > Emily depending on her state is either Butter Cookies or Buttered
> > > Ravi depending on his state is either Clarified Butter (Ghee) or
sorry I
> > can't resist, Nut Butter
> > >
> > > Though not an official member of Buttery Ones, me with a wink to
> > I'm Butter Bouncer ha ha
> > >
> > >
> > > Dear BO (Buttery Ones)
> > > Steve has been slathered enough don't you think? But to set
the record
> > straight he's correct about why I didn't reply to Ravi. What
Ravi said
> > about John Newton is not what I would call a conversational opener
if you
> > know what I mean. As for Ann, I think she initially posted
John's photo
> > and then a big excerpt from his website. But I don't remember
that she
> > said anything nasty about him. Did I miss something
important? Anyway,
> > I was glad she posted his info.Â
> > >
> > > Yeah, I got triggered by what Rancid Bu er Raunchy said about
John. So
> > what?! Oh right, like you all NEVER get triggered?! Or
if you do, it's
> > only about Really Important Stuff. Whatever!
> > >
> > > Emily I was not suggesting that anyone needed HELP from John
Newton. I
> > think I used the phrase EXTRA BENEFITS. And I think Raunchy
knows exactly
> > what I mean by people in her life in this context. BTW, yes we
are moving
> > onto other topics now. Slowly but surely. Kind of like
Oozing Butter.
> > >
> > > Anyway, I aim to avoid using wts. Though even in recent
posts there is
> > evidence of more wts thinking. Sigh...a
> > > Butter Bouncer's work is never done (-: Â
> > >
> >
> >
> >

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