--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARRY! Many, many happy returns.

 Just as a heads-up, the Web Viewer for Fairfield Life
 at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
 seems to have gone all wonky in celebration of my
 birthday. :-)
 What seems to be happening is that the algorithm that
 allows it to repost past conversation when replying
 to a post has lost its mind, and now stops after 
 "- In" and leaving nothing following that. All I'm 
 seeing in such posts is whatever is "top posted" in
 reply, BEFORE any previous comments. 
 I've checked, and it's happening on other Yahoo groups
 as well, not just on FFL alone, so get over any "We're 
 so important that someone must be persecuting us" 
 paranoid fantasies you might have been imagining, and 
 maybe just adapt to the reality of Now until the 
 Incredibly Bad Programmers at Yahoo get their acts 
 together and fix it. 
 That is, if you have something you'd like others to
 see (at least those who use the Web Viewer to read 
 FFL, anyway), it might be a good idea to do "top 
 posting" only for a while. In other words, don't 
 count on either previous comments in the thread 
 showing up in your Reply, or any comments you feel
 the need to intersperse between them, in a feverish
 desire to establish dominance, craft the Perfect
 Putdown, or just be a wise-ass.
 ( Then again, for all I know this may only be happen-
 ing on Yahoo's Euro servers and your Web Viewers are
 working fine...if so, ignore this suggestion as Just
 Another Lie from the Evil Troika Of Evil. :-)
 The way I see things, there is an "up side" to every-
 thing, so the "up side" of this situation is that 
 the All-Powerful Laws Of Nature have gotten good and
 fed up with all of the obsessing on the past and what
 was said in the past here on Fairfield Life, and are
 *forcing* us to live in the present. 
 This is to give those who are never likely to ever
 achieve this "living in the present" state of attention
 on their own a "Taste Of Nowtopia" for the holidays.
 Think of it as an opportunity. Instead of being stuck
 in reactive mode and only being able to say stuff in
 response to what someone else said, until Yahoo (or
 the All Powerful Laws Of Nature) fix things, you now
 have the opportunity to think of something of your
 OWN to say. I know that this might be scary for some
 here, but give it a try...you might like it.

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