I'll let Barry or may Curtis respond to that if they so choose.

 From: "sri...@ymail.com" <sri...@ymail.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 9:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reflections on Dec 21

Crime is declining markedly in all these areas influenced by these groups, and 
other social indicators like rates of poverty are also showing unprecedented 
improvement. Its now.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> Please tell you friend's friend's friend not to hold their breath till this 
> happens - its the same old TM Movement schtick - hanging on till the Rapture 
> comes, always dealing in futures. Sort of like waiting for Elijah.
> ________________________________
>  From: Rick Archer <rick@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 11:34 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Reflections on Dec 21
> From the friend of a friend of a friend:
> Reflections on the events of Dec 12, 2012
> As the Global Mother Divine director for Guatemala, I thought I’d pass on 
> some reflections I had from the events on December 21 this year in Monte 
> Alban. I don’t really know that much about it and certainly shouldn’t be 
> taken as an authority. Much of this is just what I have gleaned from glimpses 
> I have gained while trying to keep in touch with it in spare moments over the 
> last few years.
> The first part is meant to be fact. I hope I’ve got all the details at least 
> mostly right. Many of you may know most of this and more. 
> The Mayans never actually thought that Dec 21 was going to be the end of the 
> world. In fact, until 2010 the Mayans never even talked about the ending of 
> their calendar at all. The Mayans are, in general, quite happy and 
> comfortable to stay to themselves. Not many are welcome into their world and 
> very few ever leave. So there has not been much communication of what they 
> believe or don’t believe, until the last couple of years, with anyone.
> But more than a decade ago some Mayans apparently did come to the US to 
> college here and mentioned that their calendar ended on Dec 21. They had no 
> idea what that meant or what was going to happen after that. So the 
> Judeo-Christian apocalyptic habit of thinking in this country turned it into 
> the end of the world. And that concept went around the world. EVERYONE around 
> the world, as far as I can tell from my travels and living with so many of 
> other cultures, knew that Dec 21 was ‘The Day’.
> But 2 years ago, the Mayan elder who is the Prophesy Keeper and Day Keeper, 
> Don Alejandro, did start to talk about the end of the calendar, and in order 
> to quell the fear, he did go as public as possible with the help of new age 
> friends through internet and travels to other countries. His message was, 
> ‘Don’t be afraid! The world is not going to end. It is the end of the current 
> cycle of time and the beginning of a new one.’ The ending cycle started about 
> 5000 years ago, about the time Kali Yuga started.
> The thing that amazes me was that he describes it in the same way and even 
> with the same words that Maharishi describes the new age he worked towards 
> for so many decades. Don Alejandro said the new time will be Heaven on Earth 
> (those words were used on the internet, at least), a time of peace and 
> harmony, where there will be no sickness or suffering. It will be a time when 
> people will fly through the air like clouds. The world will be without 
> boarders, and everyone will be able to travel anywhere without passports. He 
> described it as a beautiful new time to very much look forward to. He also 
> predicted that the day would be like any other day, like New Years eve. A new 
> year is beginning, but it doesn’t feel immediately any different from the old 
> year. These are prophesies that, as I understand it, have been around for 
> 5000 years, but have been passed on from father to son, or keeper to keeper, 
> silently. The Mayan people didn’t even really know. No
>  did until 2 years ago.
> There is no TM Movement in Guatemala, no local teachers. Raja Louis imported 
> two Spanish Governors to teach there a number of years ago, and they have 
> been knocking on doors, and knocking on doors for many years, and for so long 
> found the doors all locked. Finally they found some openings, and finally 
> they reached the Mayan elders. I have no idea how long it took for the elders 
> to ‘get’ what the Governors were saying, but when they finally did, the 
> response was kind of like, ‘Come in! We’re expecting you! This TM will 
> eliminate disharmony in collective consciousness? It will create peace? 
> Please, tell us what to do. You can teach us to fly? All the children should 
> learn? Yes. We will start now.”
> Once it started, there was no stopping it. Last July, on Guru Purnima some 
> Mayans had learned the practice (I forget, maybe a few thousand?). But there 
> was no inkling that it was going to turn into what it is now, 6 months later, 
> with 8,000 students practicing yogic flying every day at the same time in 
> Mexico and Guatemala. After the demonstration on Dec 21, a contract was 
> signed with the Minister of Education of Mexico for 69,000 students to learn 
> the practice.
> It was pretty amazing how Nature organized it. The flying block for 5,000 
> quite spontaneously and naturally ended on Dec 20 and that was the last day 
> of school for the winter holidays. They wanted to have a graduation ceremony, 
> so they decided to have it at a traditional holy spot of their people. Most 
> of the children had never been there before. So it kind of happened that all 
> the students that money was raised for, went to Monte Alban to practice Yogic 
> Flying together on Dec 21, 2012. It was a new beginning.  Even though school 
> is out, no one goes anywhere. From now on all the children will do their 
> program together every day of the year whether or not school is in session, 
> each in their own school throughout the southern Mexico and Guatemala. This 
> will go on until at least 2016.
> Raja Luis describes the students as being so pure and innocent that they have 
> phenomenal experiences. The teachers who teach them say it’s a completely 
> different experience than teaching anyone else. Also, apparently Maharishi 
> said that when indigenous people fly they are worth a few of those of us who 
> don’t have that natural connection to the earth. They are the custodians of 
> the Laws of Nature in that area and have much more influence than anyone else 
> is able to have.
> Here is my reflection on the whole thing.
> I think December 21, 2012 must have been the most anticipated day in the 
> history of the world. EVERYONE was looking at this day, some with fear, some 
> with hope and rejoicing, most believing that is was just a normal day and 
> nothing at all would happen. But everyone knew it was a day to be 
> anticipated. I have heard, completely as rumor and not to be taken as 
> anything to hang one's hat on, that Maharishi Jyotish apparently predicts 
> that the day of the transition will be sometime in a couple of months still 
> (and I have no idea if it will look like a normal day or not. Probably.) 
> But whether or not anything astrological did happen on that day, all that 
> attention on Dec 21 did do something huge. You can’t have that much attention 
> on a transformation and not have something transform. For one thing, many 
> people around the world did participate in some kind of ceremony on behalf of 
> the earth and her inhabitants. But for another, Nature organized that the 
> Mayan children gave a public Yogic Flying demonstration in a traditional 
> sacred spot. I doubt that it was very well advertised or covered by the 
> media, but that is inconsequential. Someday someone is going to ask what the 
> Mayans did on Dec 21. And one of the answers will be that they were flying.
> The entire New Age movement looks to the Mayans now as leaders. They’re the 
> ones who know what’s happening. And if the Mayans are learning to fly (69,000 
> of them), hundreds of millions of New Agers around the world who sincerely 
> want to be part of the transition into a new age, will want to learn to fly.
> Throughout the decades the movement has had a lot of competition in the area 
> of meditation. There are thousands of meditations and stress reduction 
> techniques and mind expanding techniques. One can’t blame anyone for not 
> being able to sift through everything that is out there and find one simple, 
> natural, effortless, effective method to let the mind slip into unbounded 
> awareness spontaneously.
> But if what you want to do is to learn how to fly, there aren’t many places 
> to go. We don’t have a lot of competition. We're pretty much the only 
> technique around. I think it may be the Mayans and Dec 21, 2012 that bring 
> the world at large to embrace Transcendental Meditation and to appreciate 
> Maharishi’s tireless efforts for so many decades. I deeply hope it is true!
> Jai Guru Dev, Deni
> (If I've got some of the facts wrong, I'd like to know, so I can correct 
> myself.)


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