as I have said before, I am willing to believe anything under the sun, but not 
without evidence. I am willing more than willing to have what you are saying to 
be true. 

The fact that the TMO says it does not make it anywhere near a reality - they 
do have a history of fudging the numbers on all sorts of things - I have seen 
it first hand and so have many others.

But for now I am willing to just wait and see. You prediction seems to be the 
flying numbers rise and life gets better all over the place.

My prediction is no matter what the numbers are, the energy trends already in 
motion will play themselves out, meaning that a whole lot of unpleasant stuff 
is gonna happen in Latin America especially Mexico in the next year, just 
because that is what happens down there. And the economic picture all over is 
going to continue to nosedive. 

We can revisit this 6 months or a year from now and see who is correct.

I still can't get away from thinking that if the ME is real, even tho they have 
don't have the square root of one percent in Fairfield right now, they surely 
have the square root of one percent of the population in Iowa, or at least 
Jefferson county and certainly of Fairfield. 

That being the case, the markers of the ME should be truly astonishing and 
obvious in Fairfield, Jefferson County and maybe all of Iowa. That is not the 
case or we would have heard so by now. I don't understand how the sattvic 
effect of the ME can bypass the population where the group is flying and not do 
anything special for them, yet effect national trends? The minimal (in my mind 
non-existent) ME in the US right now also seems to ignore the fact that there 
are flying groups all over the US of varying sizes. Why with all these groups 
is the overall effect not greater at this time?

This is why I don't believe in the ME. Its not because I think Maha was a lying 
fraud, or that the TMO is simply following in his footsteps, it is because the 
ME just isn't showing itself. 

But I will make you a promise. If it does become so obvious that no one can 
ignore it, I will move to Fairfield, live in a vastu ved house, and do program 
with everyone else.

So let's see what is happening in a few months in good old Mexico. 

 From: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 1:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 2012 -- The Year Of Unnecessary Dread

do a little research of the most recent statistics for the areas that have 
groups, - very recently - Mexico , also Peru , Columbia really the whole north 
of Latin America has a minimum Maharishi effect as of now. The USA is short of 
its requirement still. This will be better and better for the USA as the months 
pass and the numbers in Mexico are more.

--- In, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> Wait a minute, how can this be? 
> Srijau says  "Crime is declining markedly in all these areas influenced by 
> these 
> groups, and other social indicators like rates of poverty are also 
> showing unprecedented improvement. Its now.":
> Y'all cain't both be right - who do we believe???
> ________________________________
>  From: Duveyoung <>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:56 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 2012 -- The Year Of Unnecessary Dread
> Bhairitu -- can you give us your estimate of the chances?  50% chance, 80% 
> chance?  What? 
> If you do believe this, where are you putting your dollars for a hedge? 
> Edg
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> > And what will 2013 bring?  How about the collapse of the dollar bringing 
> > the collapse of the US economy about April?  That would bring massive 
> > rioting and hence why they want to collect guns now (sorry it has 
> > nothing to do with mentally unstable people shooting kids).   This is 
> > not astrology but the logical progression of events.  Time will tell.
> >


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