I prefer the woods and wilderness. Especially high bald mountains. To me there 
is no more celestial place.

As far as mystical feelings or connections (or whatever someone called it)with 
a group of others...the same happens with a good trip on psychedelics...or 
group experiences where folks are high on a belief. In The Way some of us 
called it "the chewy, caramel center of God's heart"...and we believed it could 
be found nowhere else on earth because we had the truth. 

This type experience is something I've wondered about and I've wondered that if 
a brain study could be done, would the study show  similarities in these 
situations and if the same part of the brain is affected. Or maybe the 
experience goes deeper than brain function and we don't have the medical 
equipment yet to detect certain responses.

I don't think it's supernatural...anymore than my eyesight or any other senses 
are supernatural. Yet, every sense (however many we really have) are all 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> "There could be many explanations for what a person experiences when entering 
> a building that have nothing to do with metaphysics or religion. Simple 
> expectation is one. If you have in your mind that certain building will 
> elicit a specific experience, you may experience that on entering or working 
> in one because of the placebo effect. There is also just plain mood making.
> The placebo effect tends not to work well with me. I can't tell the 
> difference between different kinds of buildings except whether they are 
> lighter or darker, warmer or colder, or have fumes from the furnishings or 
> activities there, the activity of the people therein. And whether they seem 
> generally safe structurally."
> Purely by virtue of the beings inhabiting a building, now or previously, 
> gives the space a particular feel. I have noticed this in older buildings, in 
> particular. Not quite the same as the peaceful radiance in a TM facility, 
> obviously, though definitely there. 
> I like buildings that are many many years old and have been left as is. So 
> many interesting things to pick up on - like the ruins of the single prisoner 
> cells on Devil's Island(s) I saw at 19, rusting manacles still embedded in 
> the crumbling brick, and as hot as hell.
> There is a lot more there, there, if you are open to it.:-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > "I am not sure why, but whenever I entered a TMO facility I felt a 
> > > > surge of positive light and energy. It was palpable, so thick with 
> > > > stillness. Just a special feeling that perhaps I created, but I don't 
> > > > think so. Not sure if I believe in angels, but if they exist, the TMO 
> > > > places were and still are swarming with them."
> > > > 
> > > > Yes, definitely - same here. I haven't been to one in years, though 
> > > > will probably test the feeling again, at some point. 
> > > > 
> > > > I was on a trip from Missouri to Fairfield in the early 80's, and my 
> > > > entire body literally began humming (Oming?) about 60 miles out - also 
> > > > saw a large celestial sentinel about a hundred feet tall, there, though 
> > > > it has been a very long time, and even those details are faint now.
> > > 
> > > Same experienced all over the globe. Whenever you enter one of our 
> > > buildings, owned or rented, it always has a particular silence and a cozy 
> > > feeling of safety about it, as if the walls were 3 meters thick and not 
> > > 40 cm and you really don't wan't to leave the place.
> > > 
> > > Naturally fellows like the Turq will certainly come up with all sorts of 
> > > cynical or rational "explanations" for this, mainly because Buddhism is a 
> > > dead religion and they simply don't have this kind of buildings, however 
> > > showoff grand and guilded they might be.
> > 
> > There could be many explanations for what a person experiences when 
> > entering a building that have nothing to do with metaphysics or religion. 
> > Simple expectation is one. If you have in your mind that certain building 
> > will elicit a specific experience, you may experience that on entering or 
> > working in one because of the placebo effect. There is also just plain mood 
> > making.
> > 
> > The placebo effect tends not to work well with me. I can't tell the 
> > difference between different kinds of buildings except whether they are 
> > lighter or darker, warmer or colder, or have fumes from the furnishings or 
> > activities there, the activity of the people therein. And whether they seem 
> > generally safe structurally.
> > 
> > Buddhism is still not dead
> > 
> > Christianity 2.0 billion
> > 
> > Islam        1.7 billion
> > 
> > Hinduism     1.0 billion
> > 
> > Buddhism     1.9 billion (This number 
> > is variable from about 0.5 billion 
> > to the figure listed because there 
> > are many mixtures of Asian practices 
> > and depending on how you categorise 
> > these as being enough like the 
> > definition of Buddhism you are using 
> > to dump them under the Buddhist label.) 
> > 
> > No Religion  1.1 billion (The growth 
> > of a post-theistic poplulation is 
> > an interesting feature of our 
> > modern times.)
> > 
> > Remember, there was a time when the Church rules and everybody believed in 
> > God. This was called the Dark Ages.
> > 
> > Some sects of Buddhism still produce enlightened beings, although, as with 
> > Hinduism (which includes TM), the number of successes in this seem rather 
> > low.
> > 
> > > Regarding  "celestial sentinel". A pshycic friend told me that Maharishi, 
> > > as soon as the monestary in Vlodrop was purchased, invited two such 
> > > beings to stand about 15 meters on each side of the staircase entrance 
> > > leeding into the building to keep "watch". According to him they are each 
> > > about a hundred feet tall and still there today :-)
> > >
> >

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